Do You?


Do You?

"Your mother lied to you. That's the truth.", said, Jill.

Phil knowing Jill just shook his head. Didn't he have enough troubles in his life without people making things up? Didn't they know that in the end they only hurt themselves spreading gossip? Even on the far, far chance what she said was true, how did that make him feel better or .................

Wait! Let's look at this again.

I'm thinking clearly for the first time in eons. Thinking gossip makes the one telling feel better.

They get the sick crazy rush, the good, the bad of telling someone all the juicy news.

Good news told, takes away a surprise that was waiting in the wings. Bad news, it too will come, when it needs to show its face. Why go to all the trouble to spring it sooner then it needs too?

Was the gossiper bored? I'm thinking it's more the rush. That rush of am I doing the right thing? If you have to ask yourself the questions then the answer is a very clear no.

You, as a person, always know the feeling when something feels right. If spreading gossip has to be questioned again the answer is No!

Have you ever thought It wasn't so much that you had been blind to the truth? It was just that you had seen the truth differently?

I think this is another lesson to learn.

Does it make you happy telling me I was wrong? To make me question, in my head, the trust or belief of my feelings. What they are telling me.

The story of everyone only one person can tell. That person is the one living their story. It belongs to him to tell.

The way life works for one is not how it is for others. You need to search deep inside to find what really matters.

Is the truth going to set you free? Problems come when searching for the truth. You listen to rumors from all. Who's truth are you going to believe? Johns? Joes? Smoes?

The truth for one is not the truth for another. The person hearing truth being spouted about their life lives with their truth as they know it every day of their lives.

Do you need reminding of how your life is by a well-meaning friend? Some would say yes. Most, do not need to know. In this age of self-reflection, most are already looking deep to where they want their lives to go.

By being the teller of tales of truths, do you think when a friend in need of real advice will come to you?

Look at the time Fred went to the car wash and never came back. The stories that went around and around. He was into drugs. He ran away. Someone shot him dead. No, that was not how it was at all.

He had hit his head. Wandered off. Found alone, quite safe in the woods.

If people would have stopped that day from standing around retelling Freds life story, had gone looking for the man, instead, he would have been home so much sooner.

People are people and think they know better and spread the spread around so they don't feel so alone. Funny thing is you are never alone if you just look and talk real to your friends.

They are all going through troubles, just like you. Have their own fears they hold deep inside. Why? Reasons for ridicule, feeling different, from everyone they hold dear.

I'm here to say, stop trying to fit in! Just be yourself!

You will be very surprised how many new real friends you have in the end.

God made YOU in the image you are with your thoughts and feeling true. It's up to you to learn to love yourself. Be the TRUE you!

This was my Weekend Freewrite 1/20/2018- Part 1 - The First Sentence. It wore me out!!
I'm hoping when I look at it again it still makes sense! LOLLL

Happy Writing!

Much Love

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