Student Protests

Since I mentioned in last post student protests in my country, that took place at end of the 2023, in this post I want to tell you little bit more about it and to show you the atmosphere from it. Protests are not something strange in my country and they happen very often, for many reasons and they are organized by different people. But, the biggest protests are those against the government and situation in county in general. Last ones were caused by (another) stolen elections in December. If you wonder how it's possible, there any many ways already proven such as people from other country with no right to vote, people who are forced to vote (in order to keep job), people who are paid to vote, dead people voting... All of this was reason for students to organize protests, separately from other politicians, with goal to get voters list open and transparent to see.

The idea of protests is to be non violent, of course, and to have good atmosphere among young people, some brought books, some played football and volleyball, there was music and dancing, and all in all nice and positive atmosphere. Weather was also very good, and even too good for that time of the year, as it was warm and sunny and you could see people in T-shirts even.

I would like to be able to tell you that this made any difference so far, but even bigger protests didn't do much. However, I don't thing violence is the answer even though so far we don't see any solution in order to change very bad situation in country. We have to have some hope left, but it's getting harder and harder.

Now I will show you some photos and maybe gif, to give you a little bit of atmosphere, although videos and do better job there.

Thank you for reading my post ^^

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