When the time comes for your preferences to change, It will always be the feeling of being at Home.

Beige and Blue Collage Travel Journal Book Cover.jpg

City life is enticing if you are someone from the countryside. The simple life that could be considered luxury. When you can have everything you need within your reach. You even eat in the nearest fast food chain with your jammies as you wake up. It depends on your choice that suits suits your taste.

When I was in my twenties, it was on my bucket list to have a staycation in a city, specifically in a hotel. I want to sleep in a soft bed, fully airconditioned room, and have my meal by just calling room service. Now, it no longer sounds exciting 😆, I would instead spend the weekend glamping.

Choice two: Camping in the woods or holidaying in a city hotel? Which would you personally choose and why? Use your photos.

This is for this weekend topic hosted by @galenkp, and if you are interested in joining, click it HERE.

It may not be in the Woods as I don't know if it is safe and accessible in my place but at camping sites. We used the term Glamping, glamorous camping with minimal hiking or trekking. Of course, it is more alluring than often choosing to sleep in tents rather than renting cottages.


This is from one of my previous camps. Your choice if you will be bringing your tent or rent one.

Since most of the time, we commute, bringing our own took a lot of work. Ah, heavy, but I would bring a thin blanket.

During the city staycation, seeing the colorful city lights would be enjoyable. Thus, if you chose nature at the time, it would be refreshing.


One of my vain poses during the activities.

But isn't it wonderful to wake up at peace while feeling the fresh air and listening to the sound of dancing leaves?

Or I missed home, and since I grew up in the countryside, it gives the same vibe. That nostalgic feeling revives childhood memories and emotions.

Like this in the picture when I was a kid, walking barefoot was normal. Why? Walking in the mud with my slippers while going to school was so slippery to school. So, I opted to hold it and wash my feet when I passed by the river. Don't be surprised; we used to walk a kilometer to school, and yes, you must cross a river 😆.

Since going home is only possible, sometimes this is my way of feeling at home. To be connected.


Of course, camping would only be complete with a bonfire, grilling hotdogs, and mallows while having a good talk.

Writing this blog made me reminisce about those beautiful days. It was all memories for now, but I know I could go back to my routine in the next year. This time with my little man.

Hey, Hivers. Happy weekend, and I hope everyone had a blast.

Lead image was edited using Canva
Screenshots obtain from Shoppe Account
All photos are mine
Footer credit to Sensiblecast1. -

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