Weekend-engagement : Given up on Friendship

What have you tried but given up on in life. Explain it, why you gave up and how you would have gained from it, and what you lost by not following through.


Happy weekend, weekend lovers like me,
Have a funfull weekend ahead, don't forget there is still Monday at the corner waiting to knock you with stress so enjoy responsibly

I have tried so many things in life and I have also given up on so many things too in life. Most time I try with excitement but end up loosing it to fear of the unknown and the other time I get discourage trying.

I have tried friendship and it doesn't work out for me so I give up on it now.
I keep everyone at the same level so I don't get hurt, use or manipulated.

I love making friends alot, still I just needed a close confidant that can be there to listen and foster solutions when I have challenges and also share hers and we help each one out but I will say i get to meet people get close to them, they will try to be close meanwhile there have someone they call close friends but for me they just come to get what they one, enjoy my generosity and at the end they will feel go without considering my feelings.


My story
I had this friendship, given all to make it last. I really care about her, cause I wanted a close confidant, someone who is there in my pains and joy. She pretended to be there, act like a friend and gets everything she needed and when she met new people she zoom off. I was badly hurt till today, I still can't recover from it because I loved the person so dearly, each day I keep telling myself, she is not worth it but still it is consuming.

Still I tried another friendship but this one, this one too only kept me around because she needed my help, I offer the help and immediately she zoom off.

I have seen people have good friendship, as in, what do they do? How can I have a long lasting friendship?
Why do I make friends with the wrong people?

I gave up the moment she started acting strangely, she no longer talks to me and I sincerely didn't know her reason, I keep thinking she was still a friend but to her I was an enemy yet she keep pretending when she sees me, humans beings are to be feared.

I'm actually going through a lot of stress in life currently, and to help me have peace of mind is it talk to a close confidant and take it off my chest but right now I don't have such friendship so I pocket everything in me and it is tiring and consuming. I just need someone who truly is a friend that I can just talk to.

I loose my peace of mind and I wish they were here to help me out.

I think next option is a therapy to for the sake of my peace of mind.

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