New Beginnings


In a bit of an effort to clean up our cannabis habit, we are endeavouring to get into a little less paper... And in that I mean doobies.


I Love me the doobies. There is something yummy and tactical about putting one together. There is a ritual with the rolling tray that doesn't exist in the same way with a bong, or bubbler or dab rig..

And that's where I have to go with it. Different doesn't necessarily mean bad. It means different. There are different rituals ahead to get used to. Packing the bubbler or an exquisite exercise in itself.

When we sit down with our soon to be new dab rig (pictures to come) then it will be a ritual on par with that of sharing a Doobie. It may even be more satisfying.... I imagine somewhere along the lines of how a blades ritual is satisfying.


I embrace these new beginnings. They also don't have to mean I have to give up doobies all together. We just want to smoke less paper. Less smoke in general.

Be safe!!

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