WHICH STRAINS SHOULD I USE FOR MY PAINS? Have any pain? Check what should you smoke!

Hey guys, good morning to everybody. I'm relatively new in here. I've made a few posts about some nice looking ICO's, where i explain the project, partnerships of the same, the team and what they're trying to solve.

As you've seen in the title today we're going to talk a bit about cannabis. So many people think its just a drug and that the people that takes use of it is not serious people. But let me show a different way about looking to it;

I'm a crypto/cannabis enthusiast. I have been growing my meds since i was a young "rebel". When i was younger i made use of cannabis but just looking at it like a different way to spend the weekend. As time passes, one realizes that some things are not beeing done well. For example me, i was using cannabis as a ludic form and that's it, and i allways was joking about medicinal cannabis, in fact, when somebody asked me why i was smoking cannabis, between guffaws i answered them that i was medicating myself.

But time has passed, science has talked, and investigators are requesting therapeutic use of cannabis. So lets make a little introduce to this awesome plant. Ok, i'm not going to try to make the introduction or search for it, because i think that almost everybody knows about it. So i'll try to share my personals searches that i have been collecting and trying, since i have seen a REAL and possible different way of medicating.

Cannabis is amazing, you can find it in so many forms as you know; OIL (Wax, Shatter, Budder...), FRESH RESIN (FreshFrozen), DRYED RESIN (Dryshift, Hash..) and so much more, and of course the best one, NUG form. Despite there are SO MUCH cannabis strains, each of them individually have a different (similar, harder or softer) effect in front of human pains.

In this post i'm going to explain you my 100% sure searches, and proved by specialized scientists and doctors, of what cannabis strains should you use according to the different (obviously not all in this post) pains that GENERALLY and more commonly a human can suffer during their day to day.

Ok, let's start. I'm going to start with a general strain and we will keep going with some specific pains.

    THC: 1% - 6% CBD: 20%
    ACDC is much different than most cannabis strains due to its extremely low THC level and its extremely high CBD level. With the THC at 1 to 6 percent, there's almost no psychoactive effect. CBD levels, however, sit at around 20 percent which is much, much higher than the average level of just 0.05 percent. That means is the perfect strain to be smoked by a person that doesn't use so much cannabis. As it has a very low percentage of THC, the kick in your head is so low, that its almost impossible to get that paranoia you usually had smoking "amnesia" or "superskunk". So for somebody who is curious with cannabis, and would like to try it as a new medical way, i recommend so much to try this strain while they have a little bit of head ache, or maybe inflammation pain.The smell of ACDC is earthy, sweet, and skunky and some may taste a hint of fruit. When smoking the herb, users may be able to detect the cherry and lemongrass scent better. The buds are tight but fluffy and the color is green with orange hairs.

    THC: 4% - 20% CBD: 11%
    This hybrid provides effective relief for severe pain while simultaneously inducing a sense of uplift and euphoria. Extremely well-rounded, Purple Arrow is potent without causing that over-medicated feeling of some pain relief strains. The uniqueness of this strain is complemented by its earthy aroma. Fragrant, herbal, and a little sweet, this strain tastes almost as good as it feels. When you need immediate relief and would like to stay off the couch, Purple Arrow is a fantastic choice for those who had smoked sometimes.

    *I have used this strain so much times when i had some headaches. I usually suffer from migranies, and i normally have my 40 g's of #PurpleArrow every 3 months. I should plant a bit more of this strain, it's like my Paracetamol/Ibuprofeno. If you usually take pills for your headaches, i recommend you to plant this, it will never disappoint you!

    THC: 7% - 28% CBD: 2%
    GSC has a THC content that ranges from 7-28% and a CBD content that varies from .09 - .2 %. Girl Scout Cookies has been the winner of many different Cannabis Cup awards and is also great for nausea and loss of appetite. Many patients like that Girl Scout Cookies can give them pain relief without a fatigued or tired effect accompanying it. This strain is also perfect for those people who can't sleep. Still being indica dominant, it sourprises me so much how the effect of this strain goes up little by little, in difference with MK.Ultra, for example, this strain is perfect for those who don't usually smoke marihuana.

    *I've been growing this strain so much time. Actually i'm not using this one when i can't eat because i'm not hungry, i personally think that its effect is so low. I used to smoke this strain two years ago, and for a person who has never smoked and would like to try cannabis medicinal way, this one is your choice.

    THC: 7% - 22% CBD: 5%
    Is an indica strain that is described as being very sweet and tastes much like grape. The THC content in this strain ranges from 17-23%, and the CBD content tends to average at 0.1% consistently. Being an indica, it's known as The Nighttime Strain due to the great results credited to it by patients suffering from an array of sleep disorders. So all aboard for a great pain-free nights sleep.

    THC: 7% - 15% CBD: 12%
    Have you ever twisted your ankle and become like a tomato? yes? Well, you should try this one.. Despite it's very low in THC it isn't a good bet for getting high, despite its name. The high, such as it is, is relaxed and uplifting with both mental and physical qualities. Cannatonic has an earthy smell, with a woody citrus flavor. Cannatonic is a hybrid blend of MK Ultra, an indica, and the legendary G-13 Haze, an indica-dominant hybrid. The strain was bred to produce a greater ratio of sativa to indica, and that helps keep the head high clear.While it has a low % of THC, it majorly CAN'T cause anxiety and paranoia.

Well, i'm going to finish here, of course if you're reading this is because you like cannabis (or you want to try it) or maybe because you were just interested in this post. Whatever it is, i wanna say that this is just a little summary of which strains for pains you should use.
If you like this type of posts i have so much to tell to the medical/ludic cannabis community about this plant and it different strains. If you think this is a ludic post you're wrong, i'm not saying anybody to smoke weed. Just saying that if somebody hates pills and those shitty pharmacs, he can seriously have a look about cultivating cannabis. In this cannabis world we are so much people, and all of us just want the best for the rest!

I want to give thanks to the doctor, whose name i'm not going to say, for giving me his notebook that has been writing for so many years.

*white widow getting fatttty

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