Canada Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Becomes 2nd but Largest Dank Country in the World

Canada Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Becomes Largest Dank Country in the World

Dank Master Canadian weed leaf flag.jpg

Dank Master Canadian weed leaf flag

Did Canada just became the second country in the world to legalize? Yes, you heard that right, Canada Legalized Marijuana for recreational use.

Dank indeed. A dank country with dank seeds. :)

What YOU need to know about Canada legalizing recreational marijuana.
Did you know, Canada is only the second country to legalize weed nationally?

Well, that is if it gets Royal Assent. Just what is Royal Assent? It is when a country's monarch formally approves an act of parliament.

Uruguay was the first country to legalize marijuana's production, sale and consumption in December 2013- although nobody mentions North Korea where there are no marijuana laws making it… legal. Weird, huh?

But Canada IS the first G20, which basically means wealthy country to legalize recreational cannabis use. Uruguay can be weed-wealthy now that they became the first nation to legalize marijuana several years ago, but they have been slow to set up a market.

And speaking of weed-wealth, Canadians are the wealthiest country to legalize- spending more money on weed than wine! [Duh]
Tuesday, the Senate voted 52-29 in favor- which is a nearly a two-to-one margin! How awesome is that?

The bill's official name is Bill C-45 or the Cannabis Act.

Rolling Stone calls Canadian leader Justin Trudeau the leader of the Free World: “…the prime minister's youthful, forward-looking Canada is now also the leader of the weed world.”

Dank Master Canada weed leaf flag cannabis t-shirt white.jpg

The end of 90 years of prohibition!
Tuesday the justice minister, Jody Wilson-Raybould, tweeted, "This is a historic milestone for progressive policy in Canada."

In Canada, tens of thousands of people are arrested for marijuana offenses each year, tearing communities and families apart and throwing people in jail. As Trudeau puts it, “…too many Canadians end up with criminal records for possessing small amounts of the drug.”

6 billion a year black market by some estimates.
He also bashed the War on Drugs stating, “…obviously the current approach, the current prohibition on marijuana has not worked to protect our kids to keep money out of the profits of organized crime and that's why we are bringing in a new legalized framework around marijuana.”

BOOM! Legalization shifts marijuana out of the criminal, potentially violent market to a legal one that will produce legitimate jobs.

“the new recreational cannabis regime will officially come into force on October 17th of this year”

The regulation of edibles will be worked on within the year.

Some provinces will take more time saying that they may need eight to twelve weeks after the Senate’s approval to transition to the new legal framework.

Provincial governments will manage sales, distribution, and related regulations.

Can I grow? Can I grow? Can I grow?
Once the bill is formally approved, adults will be able to carry and give up to 30 grams of legal marijuana in public. Wow. What do you think about that?

You won't be able to buy weed everywhere, though, Marijuana cannot be sold in the same location as alcohol or tobacco.

So people who are 18 years and older will now be able to carry an ounce of weed in public and up to four plants at home.

Note that the legal age is 19-plus in select provinces.

Amazing! Let's go there!

7 billions of dollars in investment capital are pouring into Canada

Canadian marijuana companies like Canopy Growth Corp., Aphria Inc., and Aurora Cannabis Inc. are attracting attention and many are following.

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What does Canada Legalizing mean for Americans and others?
The budding legal pot marketplace could destabilize the prohibition regimes across the globe from Europe to Asia.

Hannah Hetzer, the Senior International Policy Manager for the Drug Policy Alliance says, “Canada's progress will galvanize support for drug policy reforms around the world."

Canada will be in violation of international law in legalizing. This could upset countries like Russia, China, and even the US that have historically have a strict view of the treaties that contain “international commitments to suppress marijuana.”

There is also risk that legal Canadian pot will spill over to the US — perhaps causing tensions with Canada’s neighbor.

But on a positive note, Canada's legalization might provide cover for Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to release his federal decriminalization bill in the US.

It may also make weed prices much much cheaper in the future. Keith Humphreys from Stanford explained in the Washington Post that:

Marijuana price data from Washington's Liquor and Cannabis Board was aggregated by Steve Davenport of the Pardee RAND Graduate School and Jonathan Caulkins, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University. After a transitory rise in the first few months, which Davenport attributes to supply shortages as the system came on line, both retail prices and wholesale prices have plummeted. Davenport said that prices "are now steadily falling at about 2 percent per month. If that trend holds, prices may fall 25 percent each year going forward."

Experts Caulkins and Kleiman said that there is no reason to expect a joint to cost more than a tea bag because essentially, they are both plants.

The US federal law still technically prohibits cannabis, even though some states have legalized, it remains a drug on the same legal schedule as heroin… Nope, that’s not a typo... heroin.

Although Canada is the first G-20 country to legalize cannabis recreationally, Germany has already legalized medical marijuana as a nation.

Could the United States of America be close behind? [pretty please]

“If a nation like Canada approves it, sets up a regimen, provides a living laboratory of people right across the border that are a lot like us, it might help change the perceptions of some skeptics,” says Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a member of Congress’ newly-formed Cannabis Caucus.

So, what do YOU think about all of this? Are you in Canada or thinking about relocating there?

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