Jungle Daily - A Wednesday Walk

Today I thought I would take a short walk along the back lanes close to my house. The sky looked like the sunny intervals could turn stormy quickly so I didn’t want to go too far and get drenched in a downpour!
There is always plenty to see and photograph even close to home. My first encounter was with this beautiful lineated woodpecker. He was busy stripping bark and eating the bugs that he uncovered from the branch of a tree just to to side of the lane.


There are always lots of horses around. Sometimes shut in fields but more often to be seen just wandering around the roads and on the beach.


They seem to be very docile and friendly.


There are so many flowering plants, shrubs and trees wherever you look. Turmeric and ginger flowers are very common in people’s gardens as they are used a lot in cooking here.


Every Costa Rican adult is entitled to have a house, supplied by the government. ( Pretty cool huh? ) A standard Costa Rican government issue house is a small three room affair, and most often painted in bright colours.


Costa Rican’s love fruit and flowers and gardens are always full of fruit trees, coconut palms and plenty of beautiful flowers.


The scent of flowers is always wafting through the air and everywhere birds are singing and butterflies are to be seen.


I hope you enjoyed the walk and views along the way @tattoodjay, thanks for the Wednesday walk tag idea. Until the next one.....


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