Wednesday Walk to the River

#Wednesdaywalk is one of my favorite challenges of the week started by my friend @tattoodjay.

The idea is to get out for a short walk and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home, office or wherever you start.

After days of rain we finally got a spot of sunshine this morning and I went out for a nice early morning walk. Well, techically it was a ride on my mobility scooter, since these days I am no longer able to walk.
The river has been in flood stage all month and all the precipitation we are having keeps it rising even higher.


Rock River




Riverside Park is seen just across the river from where I live.


This is just behind my house where the water from the spring flows down into the river.

It was such a great morning to be outdoors!

Posted with eSteem

Watch for the next theme announcement later this week! (but be on the lookout for clothing shadows!)

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