Walking on Sunshine

Do your thoughts run wild, do you think too much, if the sun comes out and brightens the day? Does it really matter, those inconsequential pieces of wrong logic running through your head? if you can close your eyes and imagine warm thoughts as you walk through life? Does it matter? Truly, does it?

Let's go for our #WednesdayWalk with @Tattoodjay. You can see his post here. It has all the rules guidelines so that you can join too! Get your shoes on! We are going now! Let's start here, in the front yard, where the flowers are basking in the extra nutrients the rainwater has provided.

The rain came down in buckets last night, accompanied by thunder and a side of lightening.


We all know how this story ends, right? These guys are about a one minute walk from my house. My housing area has few farms surrounding it and it always makes for a nice view when you get too much city in your eyes. Ah! The best of both worlds. I cut through the pasture because there is no bull there today! Hehe.

Otherwise, it is the long way for me!

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Oh, yes. My Tree of Life. You know this one and several others. I post them weekly, as I pass them as I go for my walk. Close to my home. I love the huge trees surrounding my life. Oh, hug a tree today and embrace its size. I think of how this mighty oak was but a tiny acorn once upon a time. Nature never ceases to amaze me. They do their due diligence and give off oxygen, all the while making our earth a more beautiful place.

I love my neighborhood, as most people do. When I think about moving, I wonder if I will find this kind of peace surrounding me? Will I want to spend hours meandering about? Will I find new cows to talk to? More importantly, can I lose the bull?

Tell me
Tell me
Tell me, do.

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It is a short walk through the woods as I make my way to the Civil War Battlefield. Virginia is littered with battlefields and historical landmarks. I love living here where it is steeped in history and always has something going on.

I have never felt at a loss for culture nor the farming community. You can have both within minutes of any city here. Literally. It is one of the redeeming things this area gives you - after taking in the fact that the traffic is normally horrific.

You can't have everything. But you can have a #WednesdayWalk!


This fencing surrounds most of the Civil War Battlefields and was used in that time frame. You will see it used throughout Virginia, Maryland and some parts of Pennsylvania. I haven't noted any in Ohio, but, somehow, I am sure there is some.

I was never really fond of its look, however, I have come to appreciate its significance as part of a historical landmark of a time. I guess it is all in how you perceive things.


I am enjoying the profuse blooming of these roses. The rain and the cooler temperatures last week surely gave these beauties a boost. Breathe in that aroma and see if it doesn't transport you to heaven. Oh, yes.

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Don't forget to look up! You might miss the best part of your day!


Thank you so much for joining me on my #WednesdayWalk. I had a wonderful time showing off what makes my day in this area. There is so much to see, so much to do and truly remarkable people to do it with. Life is good. Embrace it!

Love is all around you!

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*Flowers. There must always be flowers. This picture is dedicated to #WednesdayYellow #ColorChallenge by @Kalemandra who colors my world every day.*


¸.♥´¸.•♥¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥

And just that quick, this show is over. Tag me and I will visit you too! Thank you for allowing me to muse about and as always, I wish you a wonderful day!





Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Because of you, I come back to post again and again. And remember always- kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.

I always post this poem down at the bottom of my posts. It is one that has become so near and dear to my heart. I only post the most famous part of it, but, wanted to post it in its entirety today.

they set my aunts house on fire
i cried the way women on tv do
folding at the middle
like a five pound note.
i called the boy who use to love me
tried to ‘okay’ my voice
i said hello
he said warsan, what’s wrong, what’s happened?

i’ve been praying,
and these are what my prayers look like;
dear god
i come from two countries
one is thirsty
the other is on fire
both need water.

later that night
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered,
"where does it hurt?"
it answered,


warsan shire

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