Instructions for registering Domain and Host for free, quickly install wordpress

I have instructed you to register a Host and Domain in the previous post. After many references and registration to use other free hosting providers, I found quite good.
With, you can create a free domain name with free hosting with a professional hosting manager, not inferior to a paid hosting.
Some features:
Web capacity: 1GB
Bandwidth: 5BG
1 POP3 / SMTP, Webmail
Support FPT, File Manager
Support PHP5 / 7, My SQL 5, CGI ...
Interface control panel: Includes full functionality as a high-end hosting you often see.
With new wordpress users, will help you get acquainted better and you will create your own website as you like.
I go into details!
Create an account and Domain of
Step 1: You can access the website " Here "

  1. You enter the domain you want to create, like it. I enter congngheketnoi
  2. Click REGISTER >> to check if the domain is used, if there is a word " domain is available "
  3. Click Risgister Now to register your domain name

Step 2: Click on Free Hosting and press Continus

Step 3: Fill in personal information

  1. Enter your personal information according to your location. Password on 10 characters with numbers, uppercase, lowercase letters, special characters (@ # $)
  2. Do you confirm not a robot? (Choose a confirmation picture as required)
  3. Click Continue >>
    Step 4: Go to Email and register for activation activation

Step 5: Complete the registration

After successful registration, you can see information about the Host and the tools for managing your website
Install Wordpress on
Step 1: Go to Host Setting

Step 2: Click Here as shown below

Step 3: Select the source code you want to install

If you have Wordpress and Joomla, you would like to experience the platform on which platform you create. Here I choose Wordpress

Step 4: Select the interface, this step I click next, do not select

Step 5: Enter the domain name you created earlier

Step 6: Fill in Website information

  1. Enter the Web page title
  2. Enter Email (Re-enter Email at the beginning of registration)
  3. Enter User and Wordpress login password

Step 7: Complete creating Wordpress on the host, save the information to remember. Click Install Now to start installing

After installation is complete, you will receive an email with the content of the installation and the login address on the Wordpress page.
This is the path of the page I just created:

I have completed the tutorial and you created a simple and effective account that will help you get started.
However, I also have a few small notes that this is a free host so some plugins will be inappropriate, inactive and avoid posting with bad content.

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