Cafe Paz Episode #188 - An Original Bitstrips Series by Noxsoma

The once abandoned street called "Krazy" is experiencing a revival. Of course artists and entrepreneurs are blazing the trail.... Cafe Paz is a new hip cafe...

bk - 189 - Cafe Paz.png

Cafe Paz, is the massively popular, original, groundbreaking comic strip series that appeared on the (sadly) defunct Bitstrips platform from circa 2013 to 2015. We've cracked the archives to share this classic drama to Steemit.
We join our adventure already in progress.
Do you like it? Do you like the characters? Do you want MORE!???
Comments, questions... Enjoy.
Written and compiled by Noxsoma. Characters developed by Noxsoma and created with the Bitstrips app. c 2013
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