Bix Weir: 3 Amigo's Video -- Clif High, jsnip4, and Bix (full video link in this post); And the Road-To-Roota Website

In this video Bix Weir, "Road to Roota", Bix talks about the 3 amigo's video (full video below), Road-to-Roota, and the Road-to-Roota website.


  • Three Amigo's video -- Antarctica, woo-woo, cryptocurrencies -- See the full video below (0:10 into video);
  • Why Bix does not allow comments on videos (0:45 in video);
  • Road-to-Roota theory -- gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies (1:12 in video);
  • Road-to-Roota website -- overview (9:40 in video);
  • And more...

23 minute video by Bix Weir published 14 August 2017

Three Amigo's Video

This is a great conversation between the three amigos.

132 minute video by jsnip4 published 14 August 2017


Bix Weir's YouTube channel: Road to Roota
Bix Weir's website Road to Roota
Bix Wier on SteemIt: bixlives

I am not affiliated with the "Road to Roota", other than being a fan and avid follower of Bix's work.
The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of the "Road to Roota", give Bix's work a wider audience, and direct traffic to his YouTube channel.

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