Renaissance - Reason To Blog

Web 3.0 is a collective effort to revive and surpass what Web 2.0 could offer. It is marked by a great shift in technology, science, literature, art, and all walks of life.


Humans consume plants and animals and utilize all the resources on the planet. Humans are the essence of all beings and the earth itself. Human minds are the essence of human beings and blogs are the mirrors where minds can reflect themselves.

Promoting science, literature, technology, arts, and more on Web 3.0 is necessary to keep the human mind alive and thriving. If the mind dies, what's the use of the body? Lately, we have been witnessing a lot of dullness on the Internet. It is there because of a lack of intellectual efforts to ensure that the Internet remains a place for learning.


Web 3.0 is bound to become the network that facilitates transactions across the oceans and acts as the skeleton for global and interstellar commerce. All the necessities and conveniences of life are distributed according to the skills and adaptability. There seems to be a heavy shortage of skill and dexterity. The dullness of the Internet only contributes to misery.

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