Sea Life Die-Offs, Dried Up Reservoirs and More in the Past Few Months


We at TruthBeyondLies have been known to post articles about things that have happened happening in the United States to help keep people informed. Most of the information in our articles does not make it to main stream media but is worth a mention in our own opinion. When looking up information we stumbled upon some events that have occured in other parts around the world which caught our eye and we thought we might share them with you.

More Dead Sea Life?


August 8th, 2018 - Saskatchewan, Canada – Seagulls have been dropping from the sky causing an unsettling feeling for locals that are finding the young dead birds. Starting on July 16th, four dead birds were collected and tested but the initial tests could not determine what killed them. A few days later 24 immature birds (Franklin’s gulls) were also found dead and submitted for testing as well. The "Ministry of Environment" stated that water samples were also collected. Results for both tests are (as of writing this) still currently pending. A few weeks prior to August 8th a resident claimed that the forecast called for a storm with winds as high as 100 kilometers an hour. While winds did not reach such high wind speeds as was expected, after the storm the resident stated that they still began finding dead birds along the beach. This resident can be quoted saying

“Every day, since the first day, we were finding 17, 18, 19, 20 dead ones”


July 9th, 2018 - HÀ NỘI Vietnam – Thousands of dead fish, mostly trench and tilapia, where found floating in HÀ NỘI West Lake, the capital’s largest lake on July 7th. The next day environmental workers had collected more than 22 US tons (20 tonnes), but as of July 9th dead fish were still being seen. Testing results showed that the fish had died from lack of oxygen which some are blaming on the abnormal weather patterns. Prior to these events a prolonged heatwave had just recently come to an end followed by heavy rainfall over the following few days leading up to this incident. This is not the first time that this area has seen something like this. In 2016 over 220 US tons (200 tonnes) of dead fish had been reportedly collected from the lake between October 1st through the 4th. The smell has forced many restaurants and coffee shops to close and some locals have even opted to stay with relatives to avoid the nauseating odor left behind.

Extreme heat


July 25th to July 27th, 2018 - Death Valley California - Temperatures reached and insane 127F (52.7C) degrees, setting records for each day.

August 2nd 2018 - Europe Badajoz, South West Spain - Temperature of almost 122F (50C) was recorded.

Note The hottest temperature on record for the world is 134.1F (56.7C) on July 10th, 1913 in Furnace Creek Ranch, California…. Located in the Death Valley desert. Prior to 2012 it would have been in 1922 when Aziziyah, Libya reached 136.4F (58C) (Meteorologists declared this invalid due to a number of factors, including the person who recorded this temperature who has been labeled as being "inexperienced.")

RUSSIA, what is going on?


July 27th, 2018 – The archipelago of Novaya Zemlya (Artic Ocean) – An expedition was sent in to this remote area with an attempt to survey Lake Usacheva but was instead greeted by an empty reservoir. The reservoirs bottom was scarred with cracks and fissures.


July 27th, 2018 – Neledino, Russia – A crater opened up in the middle of a field creating a 98ft (30m) wide and 164ft (50M) hole in the ground near the village of Neledino in Nizhny Novgorod region.


Have you witnessed any events like these in your part of the world? We would really love to hear what you have to say on this matter. Please leave your thoughts, comments and/or concerns below. As always thank you for taking your time to read our article. If you would like to view more of our work please visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or check out our website TBL.

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