Will they come back again next time too?


Last week was a turbulent weather situation. It rained for a whole day and the sky was as gray as I had forgotten it could be.
I had read somewhere that the ancients, worshiping the Sun as God, were terrified of the night and even had this fear that one day there would be no day, there would be no dawn.


I don't know how much it can be believed, we know nothing of what the ancients thought or did, but that fear, that day, was felt in a tangible way.
Because after the terrible heat came cold and after light came darkness, such a terrifying darkness in which there was no light, not even that blue that I show you in the pictures. There were no colors. It was just gray.


It was as if the sun and the colors would never return, and as unexpected as that was, it seemed to be in the order of things. Something that was once foretold to happen and it will happen no matter what.

Well, I can breath again, the sun is back. The colors too. But the fear seemed to remain as well.
Will they come back again next time too?

Copyright: @soulsdetour

Hive.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.
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