Snowballs keep falling on my head..

So it's official!

The Beast from the East has arrived in the UK. Essentially - this is snow from Russia - and its now on our doorstep - literally.

06.10am this morning.

As you can see, it had REALLY dropped overnight and still going...

Click below for the video I took. The voices are myself and my father who was also waiting for the bus

For those of you in the US/Canada - or indeed anywhere they have a good amount of snowfall, this will seem like nothing. In the Uk - this is ARMAGEDDON incarnate.

This means the country goes mad. That's because we're never ready for it. Only on the day do our councils wake up and decide they had better deal with it. Annoying thing is - this lack of preparation causes all sorts of hell for everyone concerned.


Sad to say that there has been multiple deaths due to the seriousness of the weather. Accidents will happen sadly.

It got to the point when we began to wonder whether the buses into the city would be running. I was going to give it 5 more minutes and call it a day. There was no way I had any intention of walking 4 miles to work in that weather. Fortunately or Unfortunately, the bus DID turn up. It was a long journey considering none of the roads had been treated.


An hour later - the clanger was dropped - all buses had been suspended. As the day went on - the news came on twitter that all bus services had been cancelled for the day. I was stranded at work. Luckily, my boss drove me home, safe and sound. Thus ends a tough day. Bad news is, it all begins again tomorrow with the threat of no buses all day again.




I can assure you - the moment I begin to suspect there are no buses - my girlfriend and I will be going back inside. I suspect our boss may come and pick us up - which I don't mind - but I won't be spending another hour sitting on a bus in the cold again.

How do you all prepare for such weather? I actually brought a scarf today - for me to do that means it really is cold. -5 infact right now!


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