Flooding in Alberta

Today I was going to post a very different post.  I started my day off doing wood and planting the last of the garden.  I am doing all of my plants (except for root vegetables) in the house.  This went according to plan.  It was a good day.  This evening has been quite an adventure.  

Here is a picture of the dugout at 11:30 this morning. As you can see it was filling nicely.  We had some room to spare for more water to come in.  The post in the water is to check the water level.  

Now the time is 6:20 pm and the culvert that is under the driveway is beginning to fill.  The water is coming from all the bush that is north of us.  This includes our own snow melt but most of it is coming from other places.

Here you can see that the water is coming from the bush that is in north west.  Every year we have water come from this direction.  Usually it is not a problem.  In the 11 years that we have been on this land we have never seen water in this amount.  

This is the dugout this evening.  We are working to keep the water away from the house.  You can see Rob working to rebuild the trench that will have the water flow toward the neighbours dugout and toward the county road.  He has taken a walk and tells me that the water is already flowing over the county road from our land. 

This is the bridge we built to walk across the water flow.  Usually we have no problem the water is quite a bit under the bridge.  I was using this bridge this morning to get supplies from the greenhouse.  The greenhouse is also flooded.  

 had to park the van part way down the driveway so that if we need to get out we can.  This is a good thing because the water is rising very fast.  

Here is Rob contemplating what to do.  This picture was taken at 6:45.  We have never seen this quantity of water.  The scary part is that we are just at the beginning of the melt.   This is some crazy Alberta weather.   I will keep you posted as to how it goes.  I have spent 40 minutes in the house and I think the bridge is buried.  

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