Do you remember being a kid? All the hopes and dreams that are planted in our heads. I want to be a singer, footballer, policeman, an actor etc, things were simple back than, policemen were the good guys protecting us from bad guys, footballers, singers, actors and other entertainers were idolized, almost worshiped.

But than real life slowly begins to sink in and chances are you are not going to be a footballer, singer, actor/actress chances are you are going to be a plumber, supermarket assistant, a waiter, cleaner or something just as dull.

Chances are if your mommy and daddy aren’t rich you are like the rest of us, FUCKED! Many people combat this by going for rich men/women but nothing comes for free if you “love” or marry for money you are not only going to end up unfulfilled, disappointed and lonely but you are going to end up owned! Spending your life spending some rich mans/womans money may seem like a great idea but you still have to live with a man/woman that you don’t love.

Schools and the entertainment industry present such a simple life to children, but life is anything but simple and the simpleness of the life presented to our youth creates ignorance. Even worse its comforting whereas the truth can be disturbing because the truth is our cozy lifestyles are not built on hard work, political stability or freedom but they are built on exploitation, thievery, ignorance and lies.

I look at the world like this, the planet provides enough for us all to live pretty comfortably but some people want more. The only way these people can get more is taking from other people. In other words whenever we see people that have too much money living lives of obscene luxury and greed somewhere in the world is somebody that does not have enough.

When we have families and individuals that are worth more than countries there is a definite problem we have become slaves to these people.

When we look at worldwide wealth distribution facts we discover that the bottom 99.9% only own 19% of global wealth yet according to some the top 0.001 own 30 % of all global wealth!

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