My first day in a new school

I walked into the classroom with my bag tightly at my back. I was still checking the classroom structure, when I realized they were all staring at me. Lot of thoughts came into my head, at that moment.


I couldn't look at any of them in their faces, because I was scared I was small, and they were of huge sizes, though there were some who had the same height as myself and some I'm taller than.Its my first day in a new school, so I dont even know anyone in the school. I walked to the back of the class, because that was the only place I could sit, the front lines was filled up already. How will I cope in this class, a class of over 46 students.

How will I make friends with them.

How will I know their names?

What will be my position in this class?

Those were the thoughts ringing in my head.....

I sat down beside Sodiq, who was the class rep. Sodiq spoke to me and asked of my name, I told him my name was Stephen, he told me his, and said he was the class rep. I felt relieved when I heard that, I knew I was sitting beside a brilliant person (In Nigeria for you to be appointment as the class rep, it's either you are brilliant or you are social, but he seems more brilliant than social to me). Sodiq was light in complexion and a bit shorter than I was.

There was no teacher in the class, different squad gossiping, the noise makers shouting, the gentle ones reading....

I was still telling Sodiq about my previous school when a teacher walked in to the class. I could remember very well, it was Mr Olaide that came into our class that Monday morning. Mr Olaide was our Yoruba Language teacher. He came in with a cane in his hand and said, why are you all making noise? Stand up! raise your hands and close your eyes!!!! I was afraid already, some of them had stood up already, myself and some others were about to stand up, luckily the principal of the school sent for me to see her in her office.
I was so happy and I left immediately. I got to her office, she conducted a quick test for me. She further asked me questions which I gave answers to.We spent over 45 minutes doing that. Immediately they rang the bell for the next period, she then said i can leave her office now. I got to the class and met my classmates sitted quietly, and they were sweating furiously. Mr Olaide just released them from the punishment when the bell got rung for change of period. The punishment he gave them before I left the class.
At first I thought it was a coincidence the principal called me when we were given punishment, and telling me to leave her office after Mr Olaide's teaching period was over. Then I realized she called me intentionally to save me from serving the punishment.

A few more teachers came in to teach us before the long break. During the break time, I just brought out my lunch, and ate. And I remained sitted there, while others were playing. I was still staring at some girls playing, when Ayomide walked up to me and Said I should join them playing, I refused because I was shy and I was still new in the school. But he insisted, so I just went out and watched them playing.After the break, Ayomide brought his desk to my side, we discussed about a lot of things.

From there we became Trio friends.

Myself, Ayomide and Sodiq.

The day went well afterwards. Till the closing bell was rung. I had a nice first day in a new school

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