Poverty can destroy the human spirit

many times I felt stuck

broke and broken with nothing

no options, no hope, nothing to look forward to

in vain I pushed despite being knocked down

forever forced to build a sand castle

with waves continuously crashing down

if your poor in material then be rich in the spiritual

ive had nothing yet everything all at once

its all about realization

have you realized your rich?

have you realized you aren't alone?

have you realized you are god?

wealth is an important fact of life. many will live completely full lives without every seeking it. for me it was like a running river always flowing in the wrong direction. it was so hard for me to hold onto money and to understand the real value of wealth. i don't want to preach i actually want to teach.

i recently read the power of the subconscious mind by joseph murphy


such a wealth of knowledge on how to reprogram your subconscious mind to attract what you want.
the subconscious mind has a different level of reasoning. it is extremely suggestible and you have the power over it with your words. something most noticeable was the exercise he lays out for you which works immensely.


while your getting ready to fall asleep at the point where you feel yourself drifting start repeating the word wealth over and over. keep saying this as you fall asleep. in theory your mind will dwell upon this thought and all night you will be thinking about wealth. this is something i will practice with personally. im curious to see if i will notice a difference in my life. let me know if this works for you.

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