How To Conduct A Quarterly Wealth Review

One of the major things I bring to my clients are the successful habits that the top 1% of wealth have used to achieve their success. One of the most basic things they wealthy have are goals. I help my clients set their goals, but beyond that, I help them create the most effective system possible for this to happen. These goals start with your big life goals and purposes. They then boil down into 3-5 year checkpoints and from there can be reduced into an annual target. These annual targets can be brought all the way down into monthly, weekly, and even daily targets to be achieved. Many times though, as a client is pushing for a daily, weekly, or monthly target, it is easy to get lost in the work and forget where we are going. My clients are building wealth which gives them complete freedom and control over their lives, which means it is important my clients don’t forget where they’re going. So I am going to share with you how to conduct a quarterly wealth review so that you can stay focused and energized while you are out there putting the work in.

#1 Review your life purpose and goals. This is extremely important. You need to look all the way back at what you believe to be the reason you’re here and what your vision is for your life. If you don’t have a vision statement and a mission statement, it may be hard to focus on a long term picture. A vision would be what you believe your life should look like in the most broad sense when it is all said and done. The mission is the reason why, which is what you’ll be chasing day after day. My vision is to help billions of other people achieve their God-given, ultimate potential. My mission is to achieve my God-given, ultimate potential. By pursuing my mission I can achieve my vision. You want extreme alignment here. Also, what kind of monthly income will be required for you to have financial freedom so that you can fully live this life?

#2 Review your non-negotiables. These are values or policies that you choose to operate by. This could be considered your code. This could be moral and/or ethical. These are often the always and never statements of your life. You want to make sure of 2 things. First, that these codes still apply. Sometimes you will outgrow them and clinging to an old moral principle for no reason when you don’t agree with it anymore will hinder you. Second, you want to make sure you are staying true to those codes you do agree with. This is a form of integrity and ethics and it is vital to your success. Write them out and review them.

#3 Set your checkpoints. The first checkpoint to set is a 5 year checkpoint. You can drastically change your life in 5 years. There is no fancy math or equation on how to come up with a 5 year checkpoint. It’s made up. Trust your gut and pick a number. If your life purpose and goals require $100,000/mo and you’d like to be there in 15 years then eyeball how much you think you realistically need in 5 years to be on track for your 15 year goal. It really is about what you think is doable. Let’s say that you pick $20,000/mo for whatever reason. Great! Now, how much do you need to earn in the next 3 years to be on track for the 5 year goal? It really is that simple. You’ll be reviewing to make sure these checkpoints still match your gut feeling based on the progress you’ve made.

#4 Review your annual, monthly, and weekly stats. This is pretty simple, but based on how the previous quarter went, what does that mean for your monthly, weekly, and daily stats? What does your income need to be? What about your savings? What does that mean for your work? What kind of activity level will be needed to achieve these targets?

This system works with your entire life. You can do this with all areas of life, but the reality is, without finances you won’t be able to achieve all of the goals you have for all areas of your life. It is important to sit down and go over these numbers each and every quarter to review them and set your goals.

If you’d like to have further guidance in establishing this system of review so that you can achieve your dream life faster, click here. My team will schedule a call with you and help you determine where you need to be and what your focus should be so that you can build wealth faster and own your potential.

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

Grant Cardone Certified Coach

Jerry Fetta helps his clients build wealth so that they can eradicate poverty in their own lives and own their potential.

He believes scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist and that the way to end poverty is to help you build wealth.

You were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.

However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.

Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf. The only way to do this is to make more money, keep it, and then multiply it.

His clients see a 30% increase in income, a guaranteed increase in savings rate, and 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets in the 1st 90 days of working with him.

To get started, go to

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