The Absolute Best System to Win at Horse Gambling (and other Bets!)

  1. Pick the fastest horse.

The truth is often hidden in plain sight. Now, you may say that is ridiculously obvious, but you would be surprised how many people never even think of this.

Instead, they go by the draw, the jockey, the trainer, the owner, if the yard is on form, the weight being carried and a 1000 other factors... which... whilst being of various degrees of importance... are simply not as important as picking the fastest horse... or runner in athletics.... or driver in Formula One.

Ah, but you say... how do you know which is the fastest horse? Sure, if it was that simple, everyone would be winning! Well, here's the thing.... people and punters are LAZY sods. You actually have to do some research. It may even take you five minutes of your precious time (Disclaimer: I never said it would be easy).

But let's suppose you can manage to spare five minutes to actually look up the runners previous average speeds and times over the same or similar distances (and going) in the past. It shouldn't tax the grey cells too much.


You are a hard mob to please. Therefore...

My second Number One tied Absolute Best System to win at horses, gee gees, donkeys, or any other type of betting.

You will never ever read this in any of the 1000's of systems and gambling books out there....

Trumpet Blast!!..... Become a Bookie!!! Yes, you too can have 9 of the 10 horses running for you, or 19 of 20, whilst the average 'Joe' has only one running for him/her/it/them.

Now invest all those "tax-free" winnings (especially if you gamble in Europe/UK... you won't get that deal off the rigged Stockmarkets, now will you?) in your favourite Crypto currency.... good old Steem... and retire to live off the interest on your investments on a private island of your choice.... so long as it isn't mine.

Note: Please gamble/invest sensibly and never gamble what you cannot afford to lose. Although this has been written in a 'joking' style.... I am pretty damned serious about the above two tips. I have previously worked as a regional betting shop manager with both Ladbrokes UK and the Eastwood Corporation in Ireland, and as a junior stockbroker in London.

Be aware that even the fastest horse can fall, have an "off" day, and the fastest race car driver can occasionally crash.

You're Welcome!

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