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Being conscientious and fair is not a weakness!

Justice is a chain of rules that secures the peace of people, the order of states, the unity of nations, and the future of the family. Justice requires justice, not equality, being just, not merciful. They say that everyone is equal before Justice.

Equality, as they say, has never existed. Rich and poor did not receive the same punishment for the same crime. In the case of men and women, equality went and positive discrimination came. Equality has been broken, superiority has come. Men are oppressed, women are spoiled, Injustice has broken families, the foundation of the state. It's up to the demons to educate the children. The rich robbed banks in public, they got rewards, the poor robbed banks, and they were imprisoned for life. One is from greed, the other from poverty. Long live such justice? Such is justice in the systems of demon worshipers. Democracy exists if they are elected, otherwise democracy is an imposition, restricting freedoms.


Coups are made to ensure justice. Freedom comes from all the dirty deeds and vulgarities that the Devil wants. Lying, cheating, breaking one's word, betrayal of trust, swearing are free to the other side, to those they consider enemies. Integrity, not cheating, not breaking one's word, not betraying trust, staying away from haram, being merciful and just are considered weakness and folly. We must understand that the war of Abels, Cains will continue to the grave. They will worship the Devil, they will do military service, they will serve as slaves, they will never return.

We will try to be determined to do our servitude, and we will try not to lose our way with repentance. Justice is not the work of devil worshipers, they incite injustices, they cause confusion. But they are not united either. They do not have the courage to unite. Justice in the world can only be achieved by following the merciful orders. The room is very hard. Everyone wants justice. But justice to himself, to his own circle, to the other side is cruelty to them. The majority does not want merciful justice because the final solution is the real verdict of punishment.

He is afraid, there is no one who does not have lies, mistakes and harams. When everyone wants justice according to his own way, the devil makes confusion. There is no fair courts, there is no order, order. Coming to everything. Thefts, corruption and extortion are increasing. Is there Justice in Africa, Asia, Europe? Wallets are ubiquitous. The richest people in the world are demon worshipers. They sell anything and everything. They earn money from human, woman and child rights. Being conscientious and fair is a weakness!

The war that will continue from eternity to eternity has not come, peace and justice will not come. There are those who seek paradise in this world. According to whom they seek, the trick of the Devil, fancy words, fancy items, clothes, cars, everyone is looking for a better one to show off. We've learned recently that most States from the story are states, dealers of companies. Devil worshipers sit at the head of rivers flowing money, money should come. They don't care, they say let people work like donkeys, drink, get drunk, gamble, fight, let women be painted, decorated, poisoned, make us money, they don't care. Let them sleep with perceptions, movies, TV series, songs, folk songs, pops, let everything get mixed up so that people become dehumanized. May the number of the infernals increase. Let the devil rejoice. Life is exam. Win, win, know your servitude, win the heavens. Or be fooled by demon worshipers, have fun, be a tourist and win hell.

The Almighty Creator is very merciful to His servants. He created seven hells and eight heavens, whose mercy exceeds his wrath. Repentance saves people. The devil is tormented.
Those who want beauties do the beauties and encourage those who do good works. Greetings to those who agree on beauties.

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