
waterfootprint coke_1.gif

My name is Mohini and I am a video editor and do some videography also. My contract at the office all of a sudden got terminated last week (Jan31 2020) effective on same day it was signed with the reason of cost cutting while they are building two new big branches and currently have open hiring. Since my contract was not really clear and I was just glad I get monthly salary I realize I can’t really complain for their lack of humanity values and skills to at least talk to me first before the crass and distasteful termination. HR was abusing power when I questioned her regarding materials which she was blocking from me where I had worked on it for months as she could not respond so she hurriedly got her puppies to work on getting me terminated on that same day.

Anyways that is why this looks like this (I sort of vandalized my own work here and I love it. Feels good) to exhaust a bit of anger and drown my worries for future income to survive. The texts are meant to be barely readable except for key words. In my theory for this i was thinking of letting the viewer experience the curiosity about the subject. We all consume commercial products that are usually wasting away our natural resources and I am not trying to ban it I am just reminding myself and maybe others to be mindful and curious about it. As life still goes on, I am planning to do a series of clips and digital image remixes related to water footprint and wild birds to keep my current jobless situation busy and treat them as exercise sessions.

Bottle image from pixabay.com

Data from go-green.ae and https://waterfootprint.org/en/water-footprint/what-is-water-footprint/


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