How to ensure that your well is clean

Water well safety is your responsibility:

When you are on a water well . You and only your are responsible for its quality if you do not protect your source of water or properly disinfect it the water may possibly become contaminated .

How to disinfect your well:

Without having to do a lot of math a easy way to clean out your well is if you have a traditionally drilled well. You will first want to make preperations to be sure you have enough drinking water for at least 24 hours . Fill up buckets for the toilets. Then comes the fun part . It is best if you fill up some jugs about a 25 percent bleach and 75 percent water to so you get about a gallon to gallon and half of bleach into the well. While you pour pour it onto the sides try to coat all of the insides of the well with bleach . The next step is go to each faucet turn on the water . If your sniffing unit is defective (aka your nose) . Get someone who can smell the bleach when it comes . You will want to do this at each spot water comes out . Flush each toilet twice. If they are way away from the well . Maybe 3 times . The idea is to get bleach to every single spot in your plumbing . When everything has bleach . Turn off the well pump and just simply let it sit dont turn on the water for any reason for 24 hours . The next day once you have let it set . If you have access to a air compressor . Put a air hose down the well all the way to the very bottom . If you feel sand push down some you will want to get to the bottom this step will help clean out the well and once you turn on the air . Don t  stand over the top. It literally shoots out of mine about 15ft over the well a few gallons of water. (I learned this the hard way.)  Let the air just constantly pump air into the well and pump water for a while it is probably going to be brown. This is cleaning all of the settled debris out of the well and opening up the channels so the well can flow better.  When you dont smell bleach anymore . Turn on each faucet until the obvious no bleach . If you want to test to make sure . You can test and be positive that your chlorine level is low enough to drink . It is recommended to test well water for all other stuff any ways at least once per year. Again your the one drinking it how safe do you want to be about it.

Well its getting long . Thats about it . If you got any questions on how to clean out a well. Put a comment ill answer it .

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