3 Ways To Drink Enough Water, Contributed by Anonymous


Water is the essence of life, and without water, no one can survive. That's because we have the senses to feel thirsty and that can only be satisfied by drinking water. I remember the hot days when I was extremely thirsty and we were in the middle of our travels but short on water. There were no superstores in a nearby area to buy the bottle of water. Such moments make you realize how important and essential water is for us.

We had some juices and we decided to drink those juices but trust me, they won't taste as good as water when you're thirsty and you'll probably need a large quantity of that juice to satisfy your thirst. Though we know how important it is to drink water, some of us have heard that drinking 8 glasses of water is good for health. I'd say, there's lack of proof behind 8 glasses but overall, the point is that water makes you stay hydrated and there are many advantages attached to it.

Some of the attractive benefits of drinking enough water on a daily basis are that it helps you lose your weight. The scientific study (linked below) shows that it is very effective in weight control + weight loss. Another benefit of drinking enough water is that your brain will become more powerful and will function well. You'll also feel more physical strength. However, it can be tough to keep up with drinking enough water on daily basis. To help you with that, here are some ways to help you drink enough on daily basis.

1 - Drink One Glass Water Before Your Meal


Food is something that we never forget because when you're late, your stomach gives you the signal that you need to eat. As for thirstiness, you can satisfy it by taking just a few sips of water, but that's not as good for your health. When you're thirsty, it is better to take advantage by drinking at least a half glass of water.

Drinking enough water is hard but when you would attach this activity with the meal like drinking a glass of water before every meal, it would be a lot easier for you to drink at least 3 glasses of water (before breakfast, before lunch, and before dinner).

2 - Add Flavor To The Water


Drinking 8 glasses of tasteless water is something that one may not like. What could be better than adding some kind of flavor that would not only make your glass of water delicious but also make you healthy? Ever heard about Drink Mi recipe? That's exactly what you need. But what exactly are the ingredients of that recipe?

The great thing is that you need only cucumber and raspberries to give yourself a treat of the lifetime. I would recommend putting these ingredients in the glass at least 5 minutes before drinking it so that the flavor of Cucumber and Raspberries can dissolve within it, or else you may still find the water tasteless.

3 - Track How Much You've Drank With An App


We often forget how many glasses we've already drunk. Actually, it happened to me during my working hours. Counting the glasses on your own sounds boring, especially when you have a great electronic alternative where you could just update the status and also feel motivated. Whenever you forget how much glasses you still need to drink, just check the app.

Water Drink Reminder is an Android application that lets you update the status of how many glasses you have drunk and also gives you a sound notification. I guess that it's enough to keep you motivated and updated at the same time. If you have an iPhone, download Daily Water Free and you'll love it.

Saying this based on the scientific evidence, if you're overweight, drinking enough water is probably your best bet to reduce your weight. Keep yourself motivated by studying the reasons why you should drink enough water. For scientific evidence, just Google them and you'll see many studies. One of the interesting studies can be found at NCBI in which it is stated that people who drank at least half a liter of water before meals successfully for 12 weeks lost 44% more weight.


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