You know what happens when you corner a wild animal

I's inevitable that with all the looking around about Trump that the real culprits would get busted in the process. What gets me is they had to know that digging into these things would expose them; when in truth they were doing the deals with the Russians and anyone else that would pay to play. The Dem's where the ones that were trying to rig elections at home and abroad. The Dem’s gave the Pakistan IT guys access to all congressional computers. It was Hilary's charity that stole over a billion dollars from the people of Haiti when they needed it the most. The list could go on for a long time. I’d bet you’d die of old age before you could track down all her crimes.

The crimes are so deep that once this gets opened up a lot of people are going to start dying. If there's one thing I have learned about the Dem's is that they take no prisoners. Traitors are eliminated and any threats threats that lead to the wrong people. It doesn’t matter whose team they play for even their own.
Think Seth Rich. Soon to be Debbie Wassermann Schultz unless they are really good at hiding people. I guarantee you that there is going to be a political melt down before this is over and it's not going to be just Dem's it's going to be Repub's also.

At the top there is no such thing as Democrats and Republicans that's just a distinction to keep the plebs from seeing the real culprits. The Clinton's, Bush's, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Obama to name a few on the list, the globalist in this country.
When they start going down the money trail of these prominent Democrats it's going to lead to places that the world might wish where never uncovered. The biggest one that I can think of is Pedophilia; it's going to cross a lot of boarders and drag in a lot of people. Quite honestly I think this is the hammer that the elites hold over the heads of our politicians, I think knowingly or unknowingly they have been compromised in one way or another.

This is one story that's not going away and it may well end up being the straw that broke the camels back.

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