The word patriotism is spoken by people who love the USA but have no respect for Washington.


Now that Texas Governor Abbott has spoken out and acted so strongly and other states are following his lead, my favourite play ever, Macbeth, begins to seem like a satire on the Biden administration. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. But whose death? That is the question. As for Biden...

"Now does he feel
His secret murders sticking on his hands...
Those he commands move only in command
Nothing in love. Now does he feel his title
Hang loose about him like a giant's robe
Upon a dwarfish thief…"

Governor Abbott spoke last Tuesday at the Texas border to denounce the Biden administration for facilitating a humanitarian crisis in Texas and facilitating the prosperity of Mexican cartels who are trafficking people, including the most ruthless and violent criminal gang members, and including child victims of these cartels, across the Tex/Mex border. He appeals to Washington but he also moves, as Texas must for survival, to replace the border protection that Washington will not provide. It looks to me like the states of the Union, with Texas in the lead, are replacing Washington’s governance in the interest of their own people. Washington has failed to reform itself and ultimately that means it has failed to save itself, because the Constitution IS the Union. The seeming momentary triumph of the election fraud has already moved on to create consequences. Texas cannot accept the dissolution of its own border and if Washington will no longer defend the states of the Union the states will fight to defend themselves; they have no choice but to do so. The states’ fight will not be kinetic, not yet anyway. But if Washington pushes it, the states' National Guard forces will adhere to the states and not to the Pentagon. And even the loyalty of the Pentagon, or at least the Army and Marine Corps (Navy) to the Biden administration is very questionable. I predict that there will be more behind-the-scenes friction from the Army and Navy against the continued military slog in the Middle East. The situation reminds me more and more of the USSR in the 1980s.

Last night I dreamed a dream of despair. Believe it or not, Donald Trump showed up in my dreams. In my dream I was a boy again eating my lonely dinner in the dark of night in the bedroom I had when I was a teen. I heard a car pulling in to our driveway and I knew it was dad coming home. Instead of my dad in real life Donald Trump came in the door and unlike my feeling about my real dad back when I was a teen I was happy to see my dream father. I greeted him happily but I had to tell him that mother was dying in their master bedroom down the hall. I know that sounds like a joke but I swear that was literally my dream. The setting was the house I grew up in, the place my dreams are often set. My childhood home in my dreams is always a symbol of our society and how I feel about living in it. In my dreams last night I didn’t feel very optimistic; I felt lonely and abandoned in the dark of night. So that does affect my mood this morning.

It’s all too easy to despair when we hear almost nothing but the globalists crowing in triumph and spreading fearsome rumours of deadly plagues and iron dictatorship yet to come. But let’s try not to lose our heads. There is always another side to events on planet earth. There are always consequences, most of them unintended.

The USA is now divided at heart and at least half of the American electorate faces a failed counter-revolution with which they tried, with their votes, to restore the Republic and Constitution and now that seems to have failed in the face of the CIA, the Democrats and the Deep State. But the people’s heartfelt loss of faith in Washington is an epic change. Californication seems triumphant but that appearance reminds me of the appearance of strength which the Soviet Union had after the repression of the Czechoslovakian revolution in 1968 had caused the hearts of the people to lose faith in the legitimacy of the government. The authority of any government, no matter whether it is a democracy or an oligarchy or even a dictatorship, depends on the consent of the governed. A government is made of a few people and they always govern masses; when the masses begin to deny the legitimacy of the government, the right of government to command them, the rot spreads and it cannot be stopped and anarchy grows. Communism was a faith in the USSR. But when benevolent socialism showed itself to be nothing but self-interested power, the faith was shattered. It took a while but the withdrawal of the people’s faith in the government’s legitimacy proved to be a fatal infection in a space of about 20 years. And it took Russia 20 years to recover from the anarchy of the fall but now Russia has a robust industrial economy and the faith that sustains its legitimacy is Christian.

Now communism/fascism (same damn thing and it always was) has settled on Washington and California and seems to be triumphant. But the triumph of the Deep State is only preventing the reform that might have saved America. The crumbling infrastructure, the strangling of the economy, the overwhelming debt both public and private: these are signs of weakness. They signal a fatal instability. What now calls itself "liberal", men pretending to be women and literally beating women in the boxing ring, the sexualization of children, all that Hollywood filth, this is rejected by the hearts of the people, the (at least) 75 million who voted for Trump and who now know that they were cheated. I hate to believe it but I do: the USA and its empire of stooges will fall just like the USSR. The consent of the governed has been withdrawn; the people obey from habit or even fear, not from love or patriotism anymore.

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