Washers of Feet

After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. (John 13:5)

                  Much  has been written and said on the topic of love and humility. Many tried to explain the true meaning of their application in life. Despite all the profound statements, the fact remains that the world still has a desperate need for the demonstration of true love and humility, so that the illnesses of this world may be healed. Everywhere we turn we are faced with examples of behavior that is in direct contradiction with everything that God expects of His people.

                 Jesus, in His ordinary and truly earthly way, provided us with a practical demonstration of what is required by God's standards. On the eve of His crucifixion and glorification He took the role of servant upon Himself with the humble task of washing His disciples' feet. He proved that humility and love can conquer all things. 

                 In these days there is a great need throughout the world to let the humility and love of Jesus conquer pride and hatred. Instead of washing each other's feet, we tend to berate each other. Humility and love is the only path to lasting relationships. For this Christ died on the cross. Let us therefore become washers of feet for Christ.

The reason why God loves humility so much is because He loves the truth. Humility is nothing but the truth, while pride is a lie. -Vincent de Paul

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