What It Takes To Became an Active User?

I wrote this post because I got inspired by @stellabelle recent post about war on spam.

I want to share with all of you some ideas and impressions of mine

 As a newbie, I have no idea about how the community work! the first thing I see is people asked for upvotes and follow/follow back that's the comments I've received in the beginning so I thought that this is how to get followers so that's my first impression on steemit. 

then I see many people spread spamming comments when I saw how people get mad at them and many people advise me to stop doing this then I got it I realize that those spammers are too stupid it wasn't worked that way   

  Afterward, I see many articles about topics I love. I try to engage with the community I started to left comments as much as I can also follow some great authors.

 That's how I turn out to a person used to bother people to an active user who wants to get engaged with the topics he obsessed with and also try to add something to the community.

 so I completely shift my thoughts about the platform and do understand the reason beyond this extremely amazing platform that couldn't compare to any other social platform like facebook I spent 7 years and don't feel the energetic feeling I felt in here when I write a comment or a post I feel that am write with powerful energy and great motivation, even though I spent here 20 days and my words really couldn't describe my immensely sincere gratitude 

 I have many thoughts wondering in my head to write about I'm extremely motivated to get started my blogging journey in here and to be part of this platform which allows me to meet people around the world. 

  so that's how I changed my mind and got the idea beyond the community I figured out that these shitty spammers would break the back of steemit those are really perilous on steemit reputation if every new one joined the platform and find these folks doing these nasty actions surely it may make him take an awful impression about the platform.we have to be united and stand for those people am not interested in flagging them in the beginning because I know many of them are like me there a mess happening in the community.I think whales should read every introduction post and guide those newbies and put them on the right path.

 that our mission in here if we want to make this community expand and become on the top of any other social media platform then we have to cooperate and I mean we all minnows, dolphins and whales because I see whales and active users get angry and complained about spamming but this won't make a change if you guys want really rescue the platform from this stake. we have to excuse them because they just imitate, they are not aware of what they doing.   they do exactly like they saw we have to make campaigns and challenges to guide those people and if they don't respond then we have to start the war upon them. because if they didn't get back and think about their actions then that's their own fault so we have the right to kick them out that's my humble opinion and humble experiment     

 My advice to the new steemians to be active users provide quality content engaged with the community we are here to combined together and have peace and harmony and the vitally important point is not to came here for money simply because if you are joined just to make money and considered steemit is just a money machine then your brain is focusing on money so didn't want to take benefits and sharing your thoughts then it's guaranteed you're going to face a terrible fate 

The essential point is not expecting to get many upvotes in the beginning that's didn't happen you might be frustrated because you don't get  attention so don't let the disappointment stop you because if you do not endure these feelings then for sure you didn't deserve to win, it does take a while to make active followers

However I have 131 followers,I got upvotes from strangers because most of my followers didn't even use their feed.

 so "Always Hope Never Expect"as long as you sow you will reap.if you sow dissatisfaction you will inevitably reap the same. 

keep hoping the best is yet to come. every expert was once a beginner in steemit language, every whale was once a minnow.

dream big achieve bigger, your hard work will eventually pay off. 


  Thank's for reading     

the gifs from giphy.com and replygif.net

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