Often times in this life , I have leaved to ask my self this questions .Does it mean ,I can't have a good friend , does good friend really exist , who should be called a friend .Can I ever have a friend to trust , who can understand me , somebody that can take life at ease . A friend that will love me with no stringe attached. Who will not be jealous of my wealth. A friend i can hand over my weapons , having been successfully more than him and still be at the front in a lonely area without fear of been wounded or killed , Hmm. The one i could trust with my secrets .Can there still be such a friend ?. I have leaved all my life alone . Not given my self to friends , because they will always became the source of my problems .All through, my secondary school education I could have one friend and you can imagine how it looks like then. Boys of ten to eleven years old . when we use to work together to school and come back the same . but we can still call our selves friends though , childhood friends .

IMG_20171017_113945.jpgNow grown to adult stage , each one parted to discover who we truly are in life . every body I could come in contact with for a friend, always hurt me, I know some body reading this post might have experienced the same .They are always jealous of what i have become and there by plant for my down fall. At a time I said enough is enough , I can still be what God said I will be without friends . I went through all this, because ,it is said that, friends are the reasons why we smile .but they can still kill. Having stayed on my own for some decades ,I decided to settle down. To have somebody that could keep me company , somebody that could watch by back , the one I can confide in .As God may have it , I was blessed with this beautiful lady here . Margaret ,


God use her to wipe away my tears . she understood me more than anything else . I loved her more than my self , hey....., because I knew the true meaning of love . * love is when the other persons happiness is more important to you than your own. Her happiness was my priority. And by so doing I was happy as well . Because you can only be happy when you make people around you happy , they will always give you back what you threw at them .

But On 25th April 2018 , is when I believed the saying that ,Good things certainly does not last long . my pretty wife came back from school and complained of headache, we sick for doctors attention in many hospitals , yet we lost her .


she died , hmmm. what a pity ?. what a lost of treasure ?.she was A law Student of 300 levels . my bundle of happiness and joy . died just like that. My friend , my wife , my mother, with her ,i don't need any other companion. I felt my world is over , I said to my self that I cannot be able to bear it. My Good people , hmm .... it was so painful. If you have lost a truly loved one, you will understand what I meant. All my statements was , where can I go from here . but lol and behold , the lord sent to me a comforter . a friend I had always wanted . the one, I have always asked for. A true friend . the one that won't count my wrongs . He came to me . we met on a program I attended , he was faithful. I thought it was a joke . he stood by me all through the funeral , he comforted me . He can cook , wash cloth , play with me . I said , wow , could It be am dreaming..... please somebody should wake Daniel up , but nope , I wasn't dreaming, it was in reality . His Name Is Zack.


God still have people. This is a true life story , are you in the same shoes I was wearing before . don't worry , if I could have a true friend , yours is on the way . Do you have a Good friend already ,please don't let it go remember .....🎈🎈🎈
Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can't get them back easily , So I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I'll never lose you. ​hahahaha ,
We make many friends in life
Some become Dearest
Some become Special
Some We Fall in Love with
Some Leave us
Some we Leave them
Some are in contact with us,
Some are not in contact , Some don't contact us because of their ego .
Some we don't contact them because of our ego too...
But wherever they are busy, however they are, we still remember them,
Love, miss , and care for them
because of the part they have played, in our life . you can bear with me that ,
Without Friends -- days are :-
Sad day, Moan day , tears day , waste day , thirst day , Fright day , shattered days .........
So be in touch everyday.
What's life without friends ?
FRIENDS are the bests part of our life.
I love you all my steemit friends, one love!!

Such is life.

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