FBI Terror Plots: Manufactured in the U.S.A

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For anyone interested in how our government is fighting the war on terror there are many sources of essential reading out there. Currently, the FBI has a wide spread practice of entrapping people, American Muslim citizens, into terrorist plots within the United States.

The FBI is now in the business of making terrorists. In numerous cases alleged terrorists were approached by informants who suggested a plan, encouraged participation, and provided material support for it. Some of these cases were in the national media, but you get a much fuller picture of the FBI role in these cases than what was presented by the mainstream media.

After years of emphasizing informant recruiting as a key task for its agents, the bureau now maintains a roster of 15,000 spies and informants, many of them tasked with infiltrating Muslim communities in the U.S.

When you take it upon yourself to do the research, you get the impression that the resources and energy of the FBI are being wasted on setting up people who had no inclination towards terrorism prior to FBI involvement, and who had no ability to carry out an act of terrorism, i.e. funding or connections with terrorist organizations.

These FBI targeted Muslims are mostly uneducated, poor, and desperate. The FBI uses convicted Muslims (Rape, armed robbery, auto theft,etc) as highly paid informants to infiltrate these gullible people. The informants are paid as much as $150,000 per assignment, and in some cases much more. Most of them have their criminal records expunged or reduced considerably. Others have immigration violations wiped clean from the records. After some of these informants are of no use to the FBI, you now have criminals who should be doing 10, 15 or more years in prison, some for life, now back out on the streets.

They obviously target Muslims whom indeed have anger inside of them, who feel the gov't is against them, just a many non-Muslims would and do feel. So the Muslims agreeing to do a dirty deed are not completely innocent , but most of them wouldn't know where or how to make these devices and then have the balls to carry it thru without the help of a very aggressive informant, who in most cases are extremely relentless in their goal to lure and push the target or targets thru with their plot/s. As mentioned above, they have a lot of reasons to make sure they do their job well and that they finish their job. Freedom and good money are riding on their success.

Ever since 9/11, counterterrorism has been the FBI's No. 1 priority, and with a budget of $3.3 billion , they must justify the money spent. Even worse, the goal is to keep the population in favor of the fraudulent 'war on terror' afloat to justify the never ending wars and to justify the use of a 'police state'.

In a Sept. 2011 investigative piece for MotherJones.com, Trevor Aaronson explains how the FBI entrapment case works:
Informants report to their handlers on people who have, say, made statements sympathizing with terrorists. Those names are then cross-referenced with existing intelligence data, such as immigration and criminal records. FBI agents may then assign an undercover operative to approach the target by posing as a radical. Sometimes the operative will propose a plot, provide explosives, even lead the target in a fake oath to Al Qaeda. Once enough incriminating information has been gathered, there's an arrest—and a press conference announcing another foiled plot.
If this sounds vaguely familiar, it's because such sting operations are a fixture in the headlines. Remember the Washington Metro bombing plot? The New York subway plot? The guys who planned to blow up the Sears Tower? The teenager seeking to bomb a Portland Christmas tree lighting? Each of those plots, and dozens more across the nation, was led by an FBI asset.

One of the more famous high profile cases known as the 'Newburgh Four', which involved four Muslim American suspects in a plot to blow up two Jewish synagogues in Bronx, New York in 2009, was discovered to involve a veteran FBI informant. The case evolved in this way.

When Pakistani-born Shahed Hussain first showed up at a mosque near New York City in spring 2008, worshippers took note of his fine cars and fancy clothes, much of it provided by the FBI.

Hussain, convicted of fraud for helping illegal aliens get driver’s licenses and desperately trying to avoid deportation, had turned FBI informant in 2002.

Hussain’s flash attracted the attention of James Cromitie, a Walmart employee and drug dealer. Conversations of hypothetical situations quickly turned into discussions of a plot to bomb synagogues.

At Hussain’s urging, Cromitie recruited three others: David Williams, a part-time student with a past drug rap who needed cash to get treatment for his brother’s liver cancer; Payen, a Haitian immigrant who Cromitie believed was “a little slow”; and Onta Williams, a drug dealer who had served time. None of the four men, all broke, even owned a car.

FBI informant Hussain was paid $250,000 for a successful mission. All four men agreed to help under one condition: “We don’t want to hurt nobody,” David Williams is heard telling Hussain on FBI hidden-video footage. "We want to just destroy property. We don’t want to take no lives.”

It's not to say that targeted and entrapped Muslims do not want to hurt people, because that's not the case in the majority of plots. But their acts are from desperation and money motivated, not out of pure hatred or for any real religious ideology.

The “Newburgh Four” case was turned into an HBO documentary called “Newburgh Sting", first aired in 2014. Mike German, a former FBI agent not involved in the case, told the filmmakers the sting turned the men into people they were not. “Were they the best people in society? No,” he said. “But they weren’t terrorists, and this government operation over the course of the year was specifically designed to turn them into terrorists.”

In the recent Chelsea Bombing incident in Manhattan and also in New Jersey, one has to ask, who is Ahmad Khan Rahami? How did the suspect arrested in the incidents go from virtually unknown to a suspected serial bomber?

Who was his handler and co-conspirators? Although the FBI said they did not have any prior interviews with Rahami, nor was he placed in an FBI database of potential terrorists, they admitted that his father reported his son to the FBI in 2014 for "suspicious behavior".

With not much information to go on, we still have to not jump to hysterics and fear mongering when it comes to such incidents and to exhibit such attitudes and feelings toward our neighbors in the Muslim communities in the United States. With the overwhelming statistics that show most of the domestic terrorism incidents with the U.S. are FBI driven, we have to to approach each news story with caution and ask questions instead of cowering to enormous paralyzing fear which in turn .. turns to hatred.

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