How Peace Can Help You Predict The Future


For most our lives, and most of American History, the US has been at war. However, the recent wars the US has been leading against the Muslim World is a very different war, precisely because it is inextricably unwinnable. Unlike the Vietnam War, where the Viet Cong simply kicked out the US, like an unwanted guest, the Islamic world isn't going to stop by merely kicking the US out. It is imperialism based. It is nation building.

Furthermore, by spreading the conflict globally across various fronts through out the Islamic world, what the US has done is fostered enmity among over 2 billion diverse people who see through the propaganda, and see the wars for what they truly are, a vicious and bigoted attack on the world's most beautiful and frankly most powerful global religion. Islam is older, bigger, and more powerful than the US, and it always will be. It's as simple as that. If the Vietnamese were spread around the planet, would they have stopped by merely kicking the US out?

As a loyal American, I have seen anti-Islamic bigotry rise in the US, not only among the ignorant masses who always hated me since I was a child in the 1980s, but also among the supposedly educated elites. Even my own teachers, professors, and coworkers harbor hatred, because they all lost money and desperately are seeking a scapegoat, rather than accept war is a sin when you're on the wrong side of it. I see this as extremely dangerous, because my fellow Americans have no clue they have awoken a sleeping bear. Hatred against Muslims fuels a form of war called blowback. The US having killed over 2 million Muslims is not a forgivable mistake, is genocide, and a war crime.

So, how do we proceed in deactivating our enemies through the Islamic world who are attacking the peace, and also hurting the reputation of their own religion?

The answer is provided by the actions of the more successful Islamic nations, Pakistan. After Obama, and Hillary Clinton, murdered over 70,000 innocent Pakistanis, including bombing hospitals and orphanages, Pakistan did not retaliate. Here is why. Pakistan respects its relationship with the US, a valuable trade ally. Of course, it voiced a strong condemnation to the Democrat led genocide, however it remained pacifist. Pacifism is the only valve that leads to peace. Going to war after the botched attacks, would have only made life worse for Pakistanis. Pakistan is a nuclear power capable of tremendous impact, though they are largely pacifist. Through this strategy, Pakistan was able to mitigate the genocide, the war hungry and Islam hating Democrat Party, attempted.

Similarly, we Americans can mitigate and preempt war by refusing to be duped into war again. This will foster clarity, and allow the US to plan its economy further into the future. However, currently, the bigotry we see now in the US is a clear sign, that the terrorists of 9/11, even if it was an inside job with internal enemies of the United States involved, have rolled over the US economy. The signs of US defeat and capitulation are everywhere in the US, where the economy has permanently been transmuted. The Trump effect will fall short, because wars have long term trends, many of which are economically negative.

The only way forward is to admit defeat, retreat, apologize, and never be duped into a Vietnam or Afghanistan again.

I urge my readers to carefully consider the platform of the Green Party. The Greens are America's first, and only, antiwar political party. Unlike libertarians who believe in the non-aggression principle, a pro war stance that will certainly allow the US to be duped into war again, the Greens will extricate the US from the global war it has entrenched its entire economy into.

Currently the US is getting smarter. We see this because of Trump's measured approach. He is smart for fighting using trade sanctions. However, other nations can also sanction us. Clearly China is not worthy of "most favored nation" status, however trade sanctions can backfire. Let us hope he is not duped into a proxy war with Russia via Syria.

The best way for the US to grow its economy is to stop going to war, and begin acting with humanity and compassion. Continuing to war with Muslims is guaranteed to have your children's children running for cover for decades past our own lives. The only way to quench the enemies of the US is to withdraw and proceed with a strategy of isolating each enemy state by coordinating with our international friends, such as Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. These are nations that have fortunately given the US the benefit of the doubt, even when it was unpopular, or according to most, downright erroneous.

With peace, we as a nation can flourish. With war, we will perish, because the enemy will win by simply outnumbering us. The time has come to roll up our sleeves and work towards a greater peace, a peace that proves our humanity is stronger than our technology.

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