"Off With Their Heads!" My Wife's Take on Ending War

War is conflict wrapped in whatever package allows for its continuous existence

This is my wife's anti-war manifesto, in response to @yourhelper's contest

The Lie

“Oh no, Boko Haram stole our girls”
“ISIS just beheaded 200 Yazidi Men”
“A Syrian refugee just stabbed an elderly lady in the name of ISIS”

The headlines are exhausting. They’re meant to discourage anyone from coming face to face with the root of these conflicts.
I.E. We've become so numb to painful events that we no longer search for their true source.

It’s not enough to try to find solutions to stopping wars if you don’t create a plan of action for dealing with those people who are orchestrating all these events in the first place. The ones who smile and think "war is good business" while publicly lamenting the causality rate of children in conflict areas.

In an age where we gladly give away our personal details, pictures, information, etc, for free in exchange for access to social media; the power players of the world use their wealth to remain as hidden and anonymous as possible. You won’t find them tweeting, instagramming, or snap chatting; their lives aren’t for us to follow.

How do you stop the wars of the elite?

You kill them. All of them.

You go French Revolution on them and use their heads as decorations like Kali the destroyer. Before you roll your eyes at what you think is another kill the rich solution, let me clarify that I am not talking about generic rich people.


As Chris Rock once said, there is a difference between wealth and rich. As he put “Shaquille O’Neal is rich, the guy who signs his checks is wealthy”.

Wealth is influence and wealth is a buffer. It's insurance that no matter how badly you fuck up this world, you'll be ok. If its passed down through more than one generation it becomes a barrier. Many children of the elite have lost touch with what it means to be human, since they've never had to struggle to meet any of their needs.

Part of the human experience is forming bonds with others and forming communities in order to help the collective whole meet their basic needs and grow.

Someone once said to me

“How can anyone watch all these people die from their actions and still allow it to continue, they would be monsters”
to which I replied,
“It doesn’t touch them, they are literally so ensconced in their status, that they can’t relate at all to their victims.”

To me, it’s a simple solution, they’ve lost touch with humanity and have done all they can to remove themselves as much as possible from the common man, so let’s just further that process and permanently physically remove them from humanity.


Of course a revolution must start somewhere, hence this writing contest. So I would start with all the media conglomerates/barons. It’s a pretty short list sadly. Our news outlets shape our world narrative. They are the mouthpiece of those who benefit financially from armed conflict and our message is “be afraid, be very afraid, especially if something’s different, be afraid and tow the line, don’t think, be afraid, they’re out to get you”.

Who’s they? Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, Comcast, etc.
The idea of fake news may have just hit the public consciousness this past election cycle but it has always been a tactic employed against the public. The media may have once served to inform the public in a sincere manner but that time is long gone. Take out the media as a legitimate news source and exterminate those who own it. Then move your way up to the true owners of power in this world and guillotine them.


So now what?

You’ve taken the .001% globally, how does this stop war? Won’t something else come and take it’s place? Not if we have leadership roles filled in before hand to ensure a transition that isn’t hijacked by power hungry sociopaths. I personally favor people of this generation (millennials) because they have shown to be collectively more accepting of differences than previous generations and also haven’t spent too much time in our current economic system to become jaded and corrupted. The youth still believe that change is possible and wish to shape the world in a more humane way. If the revolution does its job then we will have made it possible for young people to manifest their ambitions rather than fruitlessly trying to change a corrupted system.

Let’s talk about resources.

Especially natural resources. We have enough.
Although currently a lot of corporations are trying to destroy necessary natural resources in order to create scarcity because econ 101 dictates that the more rare an item is the more value it has. Remember when the CEO of Nestle said that water was not a human right? This is not an uncommon sentiment among the super elite.

Right now wars exist not because there is a true scarcity of natural/basic resources but because the hidden elite wish to further pad their estates.
If we have global leadership whose bedrock is the belief in the protection of human rights then the days of continuous armed conflict are over. Compromise is much more attainable when we stop dehumanizing our opponents. And that's where great leadership comes in.

As I stated, I don’t know the names of these puppet masters. They actively use their wealth to hide their big ass footprint on world events. The singer MIA referred to them as a blob: a nameless, faceless blob of power. For now that will be as close as I can get to describing the greatest Achilles heel to mankind.
And once we remove them and their mentality we can start to truly evolve as a society.


Behead the puppet masters, elect good people, and if you do it all in thirty days, wars will cease.
Bitcoin can buy some great assassins

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