Guns & Wars -- Middle East vs. US Age Demographics

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Most folks who live in privileged nations get to live longer!

Here in America, Democrats keep their identity as a political party by calling for more gun regulation while Republicans keep their identity as a political party by insisting on no gun laws. The stalemate continues as will the continuation of more gun deaths. Unless we change, we'll see many more tomorrow. So sharpen your heavy hearts and be comforted that today your thoughts and prayers are well memorized!

Thankfully, Americans don't have live in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Palestine, although many of our soldiers, for the wrong reasons, end up there.

Imagine, on a daily basis, what the children of those nations have experienced and continue to experience. How about their parents! Children frequently see the deaths of their parents; parents frequently see the deaths of their children and few people living outside of the region seem to much care. If they did, anti-war movements would become extremely powerful. They're not!

Is it really the sunny side we here in America don't have to live under bombs dropped from planes (bombs made in America) or we don't have to experience effects from heavy artillery, uranium-depleted bullets or the indignity of having one’s head chopped off by a manufactured terrorist? Instead we, in America, only see Democrats and Republicans bicker on gun violence but yet oddly come together unified to advocate bombing people elsewhere.

The result of our quandary of thinking is as follows:

The consequent age demographic in nations victimized from America's war nations is remarkable. According to CIA 2017 data, the average age demographic (meaning half the population older/half younger) was as follows:

Afghanistan ... 18.8
Iraq ... 20
Libya ... 28.9
Yemen ...19.5
Syria ... 24.3

Today, 40% of the Palestinian population is under 14 years old, while those over 65 years are only 2.9% of the population.

These numbers are telling.

Comparatively, in America for 2015, the number the age medium is 38.1.

In 2016, according to CIA data, America ranked 62nd among all nations in life expectancy. Respectively, Monaco (53.1), Japan (47.3) and Germany (47.1) ranked first, second and third.

The above statistics show the difference between having a war in your nation, a nation plagued with gun violence and being a nation not suffering heavy effects from an over-burgeoning weapons manufacturing industry. Sort of like cigarettes, weapons are pushed on people! Anyone wanna play the Special Ops video game?

Folks, there are too many who have died and are dying from our corporate wars in the Middle East and North Africa? Wouldn't it be better to save a life rather than trying to save a penny?

Yes, we can stop the war. And, yes, we can regulate guns in America. But we do neither and, sadly, pretty much ignore it all. Shame on you, if you do!

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