World peace at stake......Indo China conflict.

India and China are standing toe to toe against each other at Dokolam. None of them wants to pull back as it had turn to be a prestige issue for both the nations. Thanks to irresponsible media on either side. They are only adding fuel to this conflict.

For India, to withdraw claim on this area is next to impossible as it is a chickens neck for them. If they loose this part of the land then they will be bisected from the sikkim corridor and it will be exposed to China.

For China, it is strategically very important piece of land which not only give them upper hand over India but also if any conflicts happen in future they will be able to grab India by their neck.

So much had been said on this issue that it had made it impossible for either country to pull back now. This could initiate the third world war.

Just imagine if War happens then Pakistan will be forced by China to attack India and USA and Israel supporting India. North Korea will be happy to join this conflict by attacking USA. Russia will remain neutral for a while but they will have to support India later. Turkey will jump in favor of China and Pakistan. God knows what will happen but one thing is for sure that this war will be stopped only after nuclear attacks.

This is very hard time for the world and nobody will be able to control it. This war is bound to happen.

Follow me at***@honeychum **

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