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Why Us Support Israel

The United States government and several companies and universities have close ties to Israeli companies and government. Even as far back as the Stuxnet malware we were colluding with the Israeli government. If we had a clear picture of who was truly involved at the time, Stuxnet could have been considered an act of war for the damage it caused and its execution
The Israeli and United States governments and media have been spreading propaganda about the Gaza strip and Hamas for a while now. Israel has kept these people in an open-air prison for a long time. (No, they could not come and go as they pleased, they could only enter and exit through Israel with permission and had a curfew at night)
It isn't representative of all of Israel, and certainly not all Jews, but the absolute hatred for Palestinians is unreal there. Some Israelis view them as subhuman, livestock that needs to be culled.
The problem is, calling this out is immediately met with criticism. People equate calling out the actions of the IDF (sniping women and children outside hospitals, using noise makers to imitate the sounds of crying babies to draw civilians out and slaughter them, raiding aid shipments, bombing hospitals, killing journalists and UN personnel....)
When you try to call this out, someone is bound to call you a Hamas supporter and a terrorist.
It isn't terrorism to call out genocide, and anyone who tells you otherwise cannot be trusted.
The only reason the US government wants you to support Israel is because we send billions of dollars of cash and weapons to Israel every year and the politicians that enable this get kickbacks through stocks and their campaigns via corporate lobbies
My bottom line here is, it is within our government's and corporations' financial interest to enable violence in Gaza and make Israel look like the good guys .

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