Dishonest MSM & Deep State Continue to Push the Fake News Psy-Op


All political allegiances aside, there is still an unacceptable amount of misinformation and outright lies being touted as "top news" across the realm of mainstream TV stations, print and social media. Just look at yesterday’s story about France’s Globalist leader, Macron – he plans to make changes to laws (this is what crooked politicians do when they get in power…remember Hillary?) that will benefit him and his Establishment-type in future elections.

From ZeroHedge Jan 3, 2018:

"Following Germany's (and Brussels) lead to tyrannical repression of any free speech in Europe, French President Macron said on Wednesday he would overhaul French media legislation this year to fight the spread of 'fake news.'"


Many will remember US Deep State agents meddling in the last French election to get this Rothschild banker in. They used their influence at the major social networks to censor and take down content not beneficial to their boy, while directly, or indirectly, supporting media attacks Marine Lepin, and others. This same tactic was applied to the US presidential election, in order to benefit the Democratic candidate, even as they ridiculously accused Russia of meddling (congressional oversight has lied about this and never proved any meddling or Trump collusion). These continuous attacks on our liberty, free-speech, and the denial of access to factual information, are tantamount to a declaration of war.

Thankfully, educated patriots are too smart to be baited by these greedy Globalists. Their un-ending lust for total contol has united people across the globe against their Marxist agenda. Platforms like Steemit are proof that a growing portion of the populace has broken free from the programming. As DC continues to implode the patriots will be watching, learning...preparing.


Remember to #BreaktheFakeNews
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