Which Is Better: Acrylic Prints or Canvas Prints?

In the field of photography, there is something more than compositions and techniques. Premium quality art pieces simply amp up the beauty of your walls. We know for a fact that you have put in a good number of hours to get the perfect shot. And what is better than acrylic, and canvas prints to improve the beauty of your walls?

But do you get stuck with which one to go for acrylic prints and canvas prints? This small piece of writing will help you to find out the difference between the two. Let us find out more about it.

What is an Acrylic Print?

Acrylic print is a high-end printing option where your image is printed directly on acrylic material with the help of high-quality UV inks. This procedure leads to a lustrous, glossy finish in the print.

What is a Canvas Print?

The canvas print is the art piece, which is wrapped or stretched around a frame, where the later image is printed. This method is used to print on canvas using inkjet printers.

Acrylic Prints vs Canvas Print

There is a constant tussle between acrylic and canvas prints. Let us figure out more about them. And who wins. Here are some pointers that will help you to differentiate between the two.


Indeed, both give a beautiful appearance to your walls. Acrylic prints give a more sleek, modern and vibrant look to your shots. However, canvas prints are known for giving an old, vintage feel. Moreover, acrylic prints provide a 3D look to your wall and amp up your memories. So, here we can consider that acrylic prints win the battle.


If you are opting for a print, you will surely want it to last long. Canvas prints have UV protection that enables them to be durable. On the other hand, acrylic prints are made in such a manner that they stand the test of time.


Transportation is yet another factor that comes into play when we differentiate between acrylic and prints. In simple language, acrylic prints are difficult to transport while when we talk about canvas prints, we know they are lighter and are quite easier to transport. Here, canvas prints are on a higher pedestal.

Print Surface

Acrylic prints are made using clear acrylic glass to give a smooth finish to your art piece. While canvas prints are made with a thick cotton canvas which has textured weave. But in terms of attractiveness of the print surface, acrylic print wins the battle.

Color Sharpness

We usually find that acrylic prints seem sharper than canvas prints. The reason is, they enhance the vibrancy of the picture. Not only this, but acrylic prints have reflective quality. Here, we can clearly say that in terms of color sharpness, acrylic prints take the lead.


Canvas prints have significantly less glare compared to acrylic prints. However, if you rely on a trusted brand that is known for providing premium-quality acrylic prints that will not only beautify your space but also help you to relive your best moments. In terms of glare, canvas prints win the battle.


Both acrylic and canvas prints offer a unique look. Acrylic prints hold the power to instantly beautify your walls and make them appear attractive. It is a unique art piece that simply makes your memories permanent. Even canvas print does the same thing. So, here we can consider that there is a tie between the two.


When we talk about the budget, acrylic prints are a bit more expensive compared to canvas prints. The reason is the premium quality materials used in acrylic prints. They are of high quality. Although the materials used for canvas prints are also of good quality but there is always something as 100 and the other one is 101. That is the only variation here. So, clearly acrylic print is the winner here.

Ideas of Acrylic and Canvas Prints

Now, we got to know about the difference between the two beautiful art pieces. Let us figure out the different ideas that we can use to beautify our walls.

  • Relish your family shots
  • Relive your adventure tales
  • Flaunt your pet love
  • Display your college memories
  • Hang your favorite landscape prints
  • Put your hobbies on the wall
  • Let the nature peep in
  • Go for classic black and white shots
  • Your wedding memories
  • Cityscape view

Closing Words

Dear readers, we are sure this write up on canvas print vs acrylic print would have helped you to make up your mind about which one to go for. However, both are perfect in their own ways. It is completely your choice which art piece you opt for. Anyway, they both hold the power to revamp your space and enable you to relish your memories. To get your hand on premium quality art pieces, then download a reliable application that offers top-quality art pieces.

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