Late Afternoon Vlog - Perception Deception, American Tribalism and Changing of the Guards

What Up Steemians,

After I posted my vlog on Friday I noticed the that stock market was down 666 points....

I figured I would wait a bit before talking about what this omen really means and who this message was directed at. For me there have just been to many idiosyncrasies over the past week for me to just brush this off as a coincidence.

Perception Deception

At lot of the symbols that we encounter throughout our live become encoded into our consciousness. Some have been with humanity so long that we don't really know who created them and how long that have been around.

If there is one thing that I have learned is that symbols by themselves have no inherent power. It is you the perceiver that gives them power over you. One symbol that has been seared in our brian as the root of all evil is the number 666.

So to instil fear to into the masses they use this symbol which in reality cloaks a higher truth about life on earth. All life comes from carbon. Even our fossil fuels which is really just dead energy also is carbon based . A carbon molecule has 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons.

So whatever message that was sent on friday I feel it has to do with a big change coming up in our way of life. That message was less for the masses and more for those in the know. I hope I'm wrong but next week we might see a big drop in all markets.

American Tribalism

Given that this big drop happened on friday people can now have a little distraction this weekend. Today is the superbowl an american pastime that instills tribalism and consumerism all in one nice little package. I think president trump knows this and uses it to divide the country even more.

Humans always feel a need to identify themselves with a group. This herd mentality has been played upon when it comes to sports. Actually sports and politics are two subjects that will get anyone who is passionate about them all riled up. If anything it uses our energy to feed the corporate machine and we get nothing in return.

The Changing of the Guards

These are some turbulent times we are living in. I feel strongly that this is by design to speed up our societal evolution. On the surface the administration is preaching america first and isolationism but in reality eroding the foundations laid by our forefathers.

I just feel that this is going to be a crazy year. Not just with cryptocurrency but the society as a whole. People are waking up and realizing that there is another way than the one offered by those in power. I'm really hoping we don't make the same mistakes but only time will tell



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