Walk With Me and Get the Fuckin Truck UnStuck!

As the title states, our (my dads) truck is really really fuckin stuck. 

We had a melt the other day and nearly everything melted, still a foot or so of snow but you can see rocks and the ground in some places. I was like, fuck yeah its spring time! But nope, not yet. Its down to like -10 and lower at night and it seems to be at least -5 still today.

Come on a walk with me as we unstuck the truck, or should I say dig with me because this seems to be a pattern!

The truck got stuck in the mud during the melt a couple days ago too, but that was easy enough to get out. This time though, @offgridandy tried to drive, unknowingly, over a puddle that had frozen over. The ice broke and now the truck is in a puddle that froze over again! Therefore the truck is stuck, very very stuck, and frozen in place. 

We set out around noon this morning, myself along with @offgridninja and @offgridandy to try and get this done and get into town before dark. The road is literally a sheet of ice!

We got some things onto the handy dandy sled, such as a floor jack (very important), pieces of wood to shove under the tires, and some ramps. Off we go on our quest! Down the icey road, around the bend! 

Although it is freezing my face out and our prediciment is particularily dire, it seems we are all still quite cheerful! 

 Here we are! If you can't tell, the truck is literally frozen into a puddle of ice.  Each and every tire is frozen into a fuckin puddle lol. 

With cliffs of ice and snow reaching up underneath the truck, solidifying it in place.

 The truck is really fuckin stuck!!!!

We can actually just walk on top of the snow its so damn cold, but the doggo doesn't mind at all. Such a cute snow doggo! She is basically moral and comedic support. She also really doesn't like cameras and barks at me all the time well i'm taking pictures haha.

During this endeavor I am the back up ice chipper and designated photographer, because why would I not document this seriously crazy shit?

First things first, jack up the truck. We end up jacking up the truck like at least 20 times, probably more, in many different spots. 

We then shove pieces of wood and rocks under the wheels after we chip away the ice and raise them.

 After a couple hours we got nearly all the wheels unstuck.


We hit water! A good sign!

We had to jack up the front too, this took a little more effort and @offgridninja and @offgridandy got a little creative haha. 

This was a job for a ninja!

We had to do all of this quite a few times, and it took us a few hours. The wood under the front wheels didn't work, we had to come back and do that again with rocks. 

We said fuck it and went for a break after a couple hours, we were close, but no cigar. We refuled with yummy tea and a delish fish dish.

I got to ride in the sled! It was super fun, and everyone was in a pretty good mood considering we didn't even succeed. How can you complain when you are looking at views like this??? 

We came back soon! The light was leaving though. 

We came back  before it got too dark and again chipped away at the ice, and we brought more jacks so we got rocks under the front wheels. This made all the difference! That and 3 of our neighbour friends came over on snow mobiles (really good timing on their part haha), spread some good cheer and helped us push the truck backwards and out of the rutts! Thats what friends are for! 

Sadly my camera died right at victory moment, plus I was pushing too. I got a couple beautiful shots tho

The visitors also brought some drinks and ganja for a celebration, even though they did not know our predicament, they were there for the victory! 

Thanks for visiting friends, and joining us on this quest to unstuck our very fuckin stuck truck! It was fun and challenging. I hope I don't have to do it again this year tho!

 If you enjoyed this post, do not fret, there is more! Check out these links for more posts from @skycae! 

Understanding Ourselves Through Astrological Archetypes; Taurus the Sensual Bull 

Understanding Ourselves Through Astrological Archetypes; Aries the Courageous Ram

Steemit Experiences: Playing with Steemauto! 

Freedom Challenge: What is Holding Me Back from Feeling Free?


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