Boca do Inferno - Hell's Mouth, Portugal. How the power of places can cause heavy vertigo!

Walk with me.

As a celebration for the post from yesterday, that received a magical touch with @curie 's wonder wand and lots of fairy glitter sprincled all over it afterwards (:D Haha. Thank yoouuu!), I want to take you on a little "Walk with me" to Boca do Inferno (Hell's Mouth), an exciting sightseeing point only 25 minutes by car from the most western point of Europe, which would be Cabo da Roca.

Right after leaving the car you are confronted with an intense panoramic view over the Atlantic Ocean with more than 180° of view. The coast is rough and wind prone, where no trees persist, or the flagging effects bent them so strong over their life time, that they look more like shrubs than trees. The coast is steep and till right to the cliffs many visitors trampled a network of foot paths between the sharp rocks.




Once we pass the usual tourist souvenier (horror) stands the first gaping cliff of the very Boca do Inferno is revealed on the left which is followed by a bizarre natural platform that was formed over millenea into an angled "plaza" that seems to slip under the sharp rock we saw when leaving the car.





By now our senses are getting tricked and a strong feeling of vertigo is setting in, as this angled plateau is like an ultimate horizon podestal with even a wider panoramic view than up on the cliffs and massive waves coming from tousands of kilometers off shore hit land for the first time in their long travel. Their slow and massive movement is almost not visible by the eye, yet subconsciously the big blue under our feet is shifting shape constantly making this place a vertigo thrill to be at.
To the right then finally we see the roaring Hell's Mouth, a Vortex of oval, cascading cliff walls with an ocean opening. Here countless waves lost their infinite force, while ramming into rockwalls and thousands of pieces of these walls where broken off and grinded into round bolders that became instruments, while they are dragged by every wave and join the rumbling noise of this very powerful place.





Image source.

The experience was intense and we always had to look out for our two little ones while our sences where bluffed. To calm down from that thrilling encounter we decided to walk further down the coastal road, joining many other people, who where enjoying the warm February weather, where we passed the beautiful coastal promenade architectures of Cascais. It such a beautiful place to be, yet extremely expencive and touristical, as it is basically a part of Lisbon, Portugals capital.



I hope you had fun with me on this little walk. Thanks for listening and talk to you soon.

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