Walk With Me 5, Snow! Allllll the Snow! And Freemasons. Oh My!

Before becoming homeless I had some gorgeous, snuggly, adorably funny babies. They were absolutely obsessed over. Missing them terribly, I couldn't help but buy Esther when I saw her. She's so realistic! Perfect for snuggling when I'm missing my babies.

And so many friends have me feeling it with their #chickenbitches posts, I'm jelly!

So, introducing Esther, my psuedo #chickenbitch. I'm going to try getting her into my #walkwithme posts whenever I can!


So, it's been snowing since yesterday and we've already got a good 7" of the stuff. Several of you have mentioned that you have never seen snow.

Snow does this interesting thing. When you compress it with a footprint and the wind blows the surrounding snow away, you get a reverse footprint!

Check out these absolutely adorable Pigeon tracks! I love Pigeons, some of my favorite little garbage monsters. 💜


My trio playing follow-the-leader. Such cuties!


As promised, images of this beauty. She used to be a Middle School. One of my favorite buildings in the city she can be seen from a mile away.



Now, onto the Masons! This Masonic Temple is Vintage 1904. If interested let me know and I'll go get more pictures. I did not get all the windows today, or a shot of the whole building.




No Esther! You are not a Mason!


A little industrial stuffs.


A Canoe Birch.


A lot of our stone has iron or taconite in it, which is why there is so much mining. They call it "The Iron Range".

Not far up the shore is a town called Silver Bay. Their claim to Fame is their "black sand beach". That beach is blackened by their taconite business. They have polluted the water so much they fool tourists to hide their history. #waterislife

But, the stone has some beautiful color to it.



In Canal Park.


And we finish with a statue that has always puzzled me. A smiling man with his smiling son, harassing the local wildlife. But... At least they're smiling?


Thanks for walking with me!

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