You Have Set Me Free

Though we may try as much and as hard as we can. Not every day and time will be glorious and loving as we might want it to be.
There will be road bumps along the way. I/we must understand that.
Especially do I need to understand that. The evidence presents itself to me all the time and in various ways.
I just have to read the signs of the times. It should be and can be obvious if I/we will just observe what is right in front of us.
But, along the pathway of life and learning.
We will have much to enjoy until the brighter day/s arrives.

Until then. We can see what we want and make of it what we will.
These are not "tombstones."
They can represent the rocks of truth that we all know and believe to be true.
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The struggle continues though. Each and everyday until that time.
Much as this tree struggles against the chocking vines.

When we are locked out. We have to move on to friendlier offerings of open arms.

The colors of life are all around us. We do not need to despair at every moment of the day.
Even though it is true that we can be prone to do so......................

We will look forward to better days and bluer skies.
I know as you do that it will surely come.
We only need to believe.

We have been set free.

Added to Youtube by: Lauren--Published on Feb 16, 2012

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