Waiting Right Here

In my recent walks. I saw this and decided to add it to my post too.
I should have gotten a little closer up photo. But I didn't
This is OK. You can enlarge it if you want to.

This is a tree that has lots of green leaves. I like that.

With this showing. I can see that someone took some time to remove it from where it had been.

Here is a pine cone if you haven't seen one before.

Cable company people hard at work.

More flowers to look at.

Another empty lot. It might not be empty for long.
At least the house will be built hurricane proof to meet code.
I notice that some of the spec homes are staying on the market a little longer lately. Not many gullible buyers at the highly inflated asking prices.

This is a neat well taken care of place. I like to look at neat and in order places

I will let the photo speak for itself.

Have you noticed I like trees? I like the way this one looks to me.

I like this pattern. It is neat and it likely cost a lot more to have such a pattern made in the first place.

Not everyone wants a ten feet high fence.
In front of this fence. Some washed shell, colored rocks, or grass is needed.
Otherwise it looks a little bit dull looking to me.

This plant is very common throughout our neighborhood community.

I don't know if you have noticed. I have been fighting the lighting in some of these photos.

Once again we are fenced out. It was time to go anyway. lol

That ends our post for today.
I have been fighting the cold/flu lately.
No, it hasn't stopped me. But I certainly haven't had a lot of energy.
In case you are wondering how I got it. It was the compliments of my wife.

She had to go the cold North to bring it back to all of us.
If the trip had been absolutely necessary. That would be one thing.
As you might think and expect. I am not very proud of her............................

But, we move on. Let's find a good song to ease some of the discomforts
This is what I found. It is so true for me.
Maybe you will like it too.

This was added to Youtube by: bluedragonboy16--Published on Jan 31, 2010
And that ends my post and work for now.

I don't want to forget Steemit. Steemit hasn't forgotten any of us.
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