The Snake Post

What can I say here to soften the shock of adding a snake photo right at the beginning of my post? lol
Just so you know.
I do not like snakes. I don't like any of them.
I don't know why. I just don't.
But since this little snake wasn't bothering me. I didn't bother him/her either.
I just walked on by. I didn't stomp him or kill him with a club. Ha
Even though the snake was not in a good place to rest.
And that being right on the roadway.
It is not safe to be resting on the highway.

So, enough about the snake. I will be showing you others snakes that I see from time to time.
I am not looking for them. Remember? I don't like them. Ha
I like to look at something like this. What about you?

And I like to look at pretty flowers too. Such as these.

Size comparison anyone?
I wonder what the people has in mind that planted the little tree?
I would not think that this little tree started on it's own.
I guess it is possible.

Evergreen in Florida. It would not be the first one.

This is so attractive to me.
It wouldn't be so appealing to me now where I am. Always heavy traffic.
But, in the West. The fly over states. It would be a great way to move across the country.
It would be very easy to stop and look at something interesting on the way.
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This one would make more sense to me in our traffic. I could roar around like a fast moving animal or bird. Ha
I don't like heavy traffic though. Freedom of movement is limited and always at our peril. Ugh on that.
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Leaving the sideshow of our dreams and my thoughts.
Even though cryptos could make the dream possible.
We enter back into our reality as it is now.
And it is a good life to live. But as always.
We are looking out into the future.
The journey is often more exciting than the destination.
Is that true?

Once again we are given a delight to see a fine looking dog on our walk. It will always be like that in our neighborhood community.
Dog lovers are the majority here it seems to me.
I like dogs.
Much times more than snakes. Ha
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The canal is next to the bicycle trail.
It is always a very good walk.
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Oh no. Run for your lives. I see a creature along the trail.
It can't be. Yes, it is.
And he/she is not my friend. Ugh on that. Ha
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I thought about catching the snake. But they move quickly.
Even if I did. What would I do with him? Throw him in the canal?
He would just swim back a clean and washed snake. Ha

Enough of the snakes Mr. Francis.
Even a sign would be better. OK
Right next to the trail.

Wow. That is a lot of adding post material for me.
So, I will stop the posting of new material and look for a good song.
No, I won't make it a snake song. Ha
And just as I had promised before.
It is not our (great grandpa/grandma song.) Ha

This was added to Youtube by: The Weeknd--Published on Apr 12, 2018
See what you think? If I hear a lot of grumbling and growling.
I can always go back to the stone age songs/music. Ha ha
Which is what I really like, btw. lol

Where is Steemit? Oh I see. Right with me/us.
Steemit Logo.png
Will this always be true? Good question.
Thank you


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