My Love

Since I rarely know what I am looking at. It is enough for me that I can see it. I don't have to spend time learning the proper name to enjoy what I see. Lazy? Maybe. Ha

We have thousands of thoughts processes that we are confronted with over a short period of time continually. How do we handle and absorb all of that? I have no idea.
The learning curve is overwhelming at times.

It is so much better to ask the experts I think.The time saved is huge.
No comparison to time spent trying to put all the pieces together to make sense of it all by ourselves.
Everyone is ignorant. But, only about different subjects and fields of learning in our world today.
So when I post something. It is not because I am an expert about the item or the display that you see. It is simply what I see in front of me. lol

Now you can see again what I mean. What is this? I have no idea.
Maybe an "elephant ear" plant? I have many many things on my mind that I need to concentrate on to completion. I am glad we have the power of information at our fingertips.
If we really want to know. We only need to make a short search. I like that.

More flower/plant settings we can see growing here. I think I know what these are.
They will spread out and take over a lot of space if they are not controlled.

This looks like a mango tree that is blooming. I could be wrong.

This is what you can see if you are in an area that doesn't have a lot of houses.
Dense growth for sure.

This appears to be a drainage ditch that has been tiled and covered over.
It makes it look so much nicer than just an ugly open ditch with green stagnant water exposed to the air and mosquitoes.

Clear, clean, neat and in order. That is who I want to be.
Do I get to live like that? Ha ha You are kidding. Right?
How many of us get to live as we would like to?
I hope that you are one of the lucky ones.
If you do. Kudos to you. You are blessed.

One final look before we have to add this to Steemit and for you.
There is so much to see and enjoy.
It takes time to put it into something worthwhile and have some value.
Our time is so precious.
Whatever we are working at. It should be to add value and contentment to our world.
The human spirit is constantly seeking. That never ends.

I am back to who I want to be. A loving and caring person.
My love...................

Added to Youtube by: clj29360--Published on Apr 25, 2010

And with that wonderful, loving song. I end this post.
"No man is an island unto himself." How very true that is.
How much of this post would have been possible if I was on an island with only the trees and the surrounding vegetation?
Without any human input and innovation?
Such a staggering thought of how small we really are. Yikes.
Thank you


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