More Than A Feeling

It is not my intent to start every post with the same words that would be boring to you over time.
So, as I think about what I should do or say?
It makes good sense to me to talk about what the photos will show that I have found to be interesting to me.
Such as the photo/s above and below.

If I see something that is interesting to me. Lately I have been showing two or three copies of it in different lighting and angles.
It isn't a huge difference maybe. But I like to linger for a time with flower beauty.

This is very pretty. But I see that pines cones has been bombarding it now.

This may not be beautiful. But it is green and the leaves are different.

After the tree is sawed down for whatever reason.
Not everyone will have the stump removed.
Flower pot holder anyone?

I paused long enough to take a snap of the palm tree.
Yes, I could have added more. But, I think most of you know what a palm tree is.
It is in a good setting too.

It must be getting late in the evening for daylight time.

Flowers and rocks. It seems to work for these people.
One thing I notice about this planning is the openness look.
Little to no clutter. I like the "no clutter" part. Ha

Finally I want to finish this post and add this work to Steemit.
But, before I do that. Let me show what the residents of the home and property has added so far next to the fence.
Will they add more later? I don't know.

Now for me comes the hardest part of the post, but also for me the most enjoyable part.
Finding a good song to close out our post for you.
I know that I may have lulled some of you to sleep with my slow but good song selections.
So, this time I will look for something to step it up a little more. Ha

Oh yes. This one should get you moving. I can remember the day when I danced. You might call it hopping and jumping if you want to. lol
Back in the day. You never went to a party or party minded people group without hearing this song at least once. It was one of the all time greats.

This was added to Youtube by: eggs712--Published on Feb 1, 2009
This makes the day better just remembering some things.
Even what we may have done or been a part of today can be very happy for us.

Enough nostalgia for now. We can always go back to that another day.
Steemit is waiting.
Steemit Logo.png

One more little thought to add here. We are going to have a great year in the cryptos.
I don't see anything so far that would make me think any different.
Thank you


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