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Now I know that there is hope. A flower tree. Flowers for every occasion?
I don't know about that. But, I think that the welders will want to take a look at this tree.
So many possibilities.
Let me flood you with a few photos that I took of this.
I so needed to know that we have flowers to brighten our day.

Is there anyone here that doesn't like flowers?

I like green so well. I have to add this. It is not the same as before.
Different location and different look.

Then we see little white flowers.
Very pretty to me to look at.

Pink house. Could it be that I am "tickled pink" to see this color? Ha

It looks to be the same color and variety of flower. New location though.

I don't have much to say about this photo. I see something on the tree.
Some sort of nuts/berries. I am not sure.
When I am walking. I just show you some of what I see.

I didn't see any sign with this photo. I don't know how long it has been posted on the pole.

I am always looking for color in my walks.
And I have a lot of success in my search I think.

See if you will agree with me about color that I find.

So the search goes on as we walk along.
Whether it be in life as we live each day and time.
Or something as easy and pretty as this.
It is to me. Maybe it is to you too?

As I write and add each photo and tell a little about it.
I am aware that I show the same flower or item more than once.
I do that because some colors and items are too good for just one casual look.
See what I mean by the photo above? One look. Hmmm

But, I haven't always done that in the past.
But, I think it adds more of an impression to the value of what we are seeing and looking at for the moment.
Some impressions that are made on us can be somewhat like this song.
It fits me and my life at this time. Maybe you have something that it will speak to you about too.
Maybe I have shared this song with you before in the past?
It doesn't matter.
It is well worth a second watch and listen to me.

Official Rick Astley--Published on Oct 25, 2009 and has been added to YouTube.

I thank you and Steemit for all of your help.
I am wanting to make a major move this year.
Will I be able to make the move that I am seeking.
Time has the answer.
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